Caring For Your Elders - Some Tips
Consider this and include these trends as you design your own elder care program.
We are all living longer, and for the most part healthier.
If your elder is an exception to this, i.
not taking care of his or her health either due to depression, neglect or any other reason, be tough.
Do not let laziness, coyness or lethargy result in the elder neglecting to take medicines, go for regular check ups or get that needed surgery.
We are absorbinglot more in a much more rapid fashion-information, data, pictures, news etc.
Be inclusive with your elder.
They may never have seen or used a computer, but I have seen a lot of such people, older people, really become interested.
Most of the time they are fearful or ridicule from younger folks.
So be patient and gentle, but make them aware of the whole new world of technology that can enrich their moments.
Leisure activities are no longer sufficient for retirees.
So you must plan activities that are "give backs", i.
community or volunteer projects.
Assuming your elders are healthy and mobile, no reason why they cannot participate in those activities.
It will help them utilize their particular skills and truly make them feel worthwhile.
The old crave the company of the young.
They get too many of their age groups who are sick or dying, or depressed.
So diversity their network by including them in parties or activities which have young.
One couple I know got their parents involved in home building for the poor, Now their parents are regulars, and have even drafted their friends for the cause.
Make sure their financial affairs are in order.
Make them write down all of their assets, accounts, safe deposit lockers etc.
If necessary, get yourself appointed as custodian, with power of attorney.
Avoid conflict.
Older people, like children, are vulnerable and need to be nurtured and cared for.
Sometimes they can be irritable, confrontational, irrational and stubborn.
If need be, get counseling on how to deal with these emotions effectively, without causing a rift.
Good luck taking care of your loved ones.