Five Tips to Help You Gain Muscle Fast
Gaining Muscle Fast Is Possible, but You Might Be Making This Mistakes and Sabotaging Your Results To gain muscle fast one must address these issues: Recovery (rest) Nutrition Exercise Here are 5 tips to address these issues properly Tip 1: Increase your calories We all know that to gain weight is a matter of putting more in that what you burn off, so we must consume extra calories in order to increase muscle It all depends on your weight, but as a rule of thumb try to go for 3000 or more if you are over 160 pounds.
Most people in this category consume around 2000 or less and get frustrated with no gains.
A good thing to do is to write down everything you eat for a week and then make changes based on your results.
Tip 2: Use compound movements This is often a newbie mistake, we are mostly exposed to isolation movements, like curls, and triceps extensions, that one thinks these are the way to go, but they are not in order to build muscle one must first use compound movements to set a foundation, not only these but these exercises also hit a lot more muscle fiber therefore making you grow faster.
Tip 3: REST! It's hard to not rest when you want results fast, but recovery is important part of muscle building.
So you might have to train less in order to give your body time to grow.
A good rule is that after your warm up you feel tired and fatigued you should do a light day of lifting in order to help recovery.
Also make sure you eat clean, and get enough sleep.
Tip 4: Increase intensity You need to hit muscles hard in order for them to grow, and in order to do this you must change your intensity.
It's not good to be 2 hours in gym training because you don't have the capacity as a beginner or you simply aren't training for a bodybuilding show.
So cut down your time in the gym to under an hour, take shorter rests, do more reps, go to failure, do more negatives, basically change your routine and make one aspect more intense.
Tip 5: Hit the Legs HARD! Exercising the upper body is good but most people neglect their lower body.
This is the part you want to train hard if you want to grow fast, as it is bigger than the upper body and has greater strength.
Most people do not train legs because these are not "show muscle" but powerful legs will boost testosterone and increase other good hormones for growth.
Train legs with intensity and you will surely grow, hit them with heavy squats and deadlifts, these 2 are true mass builders.
So there are 5 tips to gain mass fast, use them to your advantage, with in a short time these changes can make an incredible change in your body.
Most people in this category consume around 2000 or less and get frustrated with no gains.
A good thing to do is to write down everything you eat for a week and then make changes based on your results.
Tip 2: Use compound movements This is often a newbie mistake, we are mostly exposed to isolation movements, like curls, and triceps extensions, that one thinks these are the way to go, but they are not in order to build muscle one must first use compound movements to set a foundation, not only these but these exercises also hit a lot more muscle fiber therefore making you grow faster.
Tip 3: REST! It's hard to not rest when you want results fast, but recovery is important part of muscle building.
So you might have to train less in order to give your body time to grow.
A good rule is that after your warm up you feel tired and fatigued you should do a light day of lifting in order to help recovery.
Also make sure you eat clean, and get enough sleep.
Tip 4: Increase intensity You need to hit muscles hard in order for them to grow, and in order to do this you must change your intensity.
It's not good to be 2 hours in gym training because you don't have the capacity as a beginner or you simply aren't training for a bodybuilding show.
So cut down your time in the gym to under an hour, take shorter rests, do more reps, go to failure, do more negatives, basically change your routine and make one aspect more intense.
Tip 5: Hit the Legs HARD! Exercising the upper body is good but most people neglect their lower body.
This is the part you want to train hard if you want to grow fast, as it is bigger than the upper body and has greater strength.
Most people do not train legs because these are not "show muscle" but powerful legs will boost testosterone and increase other good hormones for growth.
Train legs with intensity and you will surely grow, hit them with heavy squats and deadlifts, these 2 are true mass builders.
So there are 5 tips to gain mass fast, use them to your advantage, with in a short time these changes can make an incredible change in your body.