Always Feeling Tired? Find Out What"s Going on With You
Every felt like day-after-day you would start to lose steam as you entered the afternoon? Maybe you didn't even make it that far and wished you could get back to bed as soon as you has taken your morning shower.
While for most people these "I am always tired!" feelings of fatigue and weariness are a normal, everyday occurrence...
and that sucks.
My name is Angela Daniels and a while back I decided to put my foot down and start working actively to get tiredness out of my life.
While there was effort involved, I emerged miles ahead of wear I was before, and I've now compiled some simple steps from my own journey that contribute to the way I can now wake up and face each day with alertness and confidence (and stay that way throughout the WHOLE day).
So let's get down to business.
As per the title of this article, I want to help identify what areas of your life might be causing your tiredness.
This is an important first step (and one I talk about early on in my own homepage) because different people are tired for different reasons.
I Am Always Tired - The Evaluation Factor number one, let's look at your sleep habits.
The average human has a sleep cycle of about 90 minutes, meaning that in 90 minute chunks our bodies progress through all 5 stages of sleep and recharge.
The problem is we've been force-fed these silly notions of sleeping 8 or even 10 hours; neither of these are divisible by 1.
5 hours, meaning you are interrupting a sleep cycle when you sleep for 8 or 10 hours.
Waking up in the middle of a cycle is a big no-no (though most people do it every day) because your body is going to make you feel drowsy the entire rest of the day in an attempt to get you to lie and down and complete it.
Next, you need to take a good, hard look at your meal and eating habits.
Another misconception running rampant in our society, is that we should eat just 3 meals per day.
In fact, our body metabolizes many foods in 3-4 hours...
but there are usually 5, 6, or even more hours between lunch and dinner.
We begin to build up an energy deficit after those initial 3-4 hours and we run out of energy.
Eating smaller meals every 3-4 hours is good way to avoid this problem (try it!).
Also, make sure that your meals consist of protein rich foods, as stockpiling on fatty, sugary foods (which expend their energy potential after 1-2 hours) don't do a very good job of keeping you energized.
While for most people these "I am always tired!" feelings of fatigue and weariness are a normal, everyday occurrence...
and that sucks.
My name is Angela Daniels and a while back I decided to put my foot down and start working actively to get tiredness out of my life.
While there was effort involved, I emerged miles ahead of wear I was before, and I've now compiled some simple steps from my own journey that contribute to the way I can now wake up and face each day with alertness and confidence (and stay that way throughout the WHOLE day).
So let's get down to business.
As per the title of this article, I want to help identify what areas of your life might be causing your tiredness.
This is an important first step (and one I talk about early on in my own homepage) because different people are tired for different reasons.
I Am Always Tired - The Evaluation Factor number one, let's look at your sleep habits.
The average human has a sleep cycle of about 90 minutes, meaning that in 90 minute chunks our bodies progress through all 5 stages of sleep and recharge.
The problem is we've been force-fed these silly notions of sleeping 8 or even 10 hours; neither of these are divisible by 1.
5 hours, meaning you are interrupting a sleep cycle when you sleep for 8 or 10 hours.
Waking up in the middle of a cycle is a big no-no (though most people do it every day) because your body is going to make you feel drowsy the entire rest of the day in an attempt to get you to lie and down and complete it.
Next, you need to take a good, hard look at your meal and eating habits.
Another misconception running rampant in our society, is that we should eat just 3 meals per day.
In fact, our body metabolizes many foods in 3-4 hours...
but there are usually 5, 6, or even more hours between lunch and dinner.
We begin to build up an energy deficit after those initial 3-4 hours and we run out of energy.
Eating smaller meals every 3-4 hours is good way to avoid this problem (try it!).
Also, make sure that your meals consist of protein rich foods, as stockpiling on fatty, sugary foods (which expend their energy potential after 1-2 hours) don't do a very good job of keeping you energized.