Healthy Diet and Regular Exercise Contribute to Strong Erections
However, recent research and medical reports tell us otherwise.
The reality is that so many men from all parts of the globe are having trouble maintaining erections during sex.
The disorder called erectile dysfunction (ED) is real and it's affecting men and marriages more than we can even imagine.
The success of the different synthetic drugs, as well as the safer organic alternatives such as goldenroot, which are touted to cure erectile dysfunction instantly and for the long term, is not a marketing gimmick.
These products sell well because the healthy and virile men of old have been under stress to perform sexually for a long time now.
Several lifestyle factors are highlighted when discussing the deep seated reasons for the loss of potency in males.
The convenience of technology has made a lot of us lethargic and unable to exercise.
Our careers and workloads may also be the alibis for not eating healthy foodstuffs or engaging in fitness programs.
All these factors affect a man's sex life, the way they affect a man's capacity to perform marathons and strenuous exercises.
The theory is that, if you're healthy enough to run a few hundred meters without getting too tired, then you can also engage in an intense sexual encounter without losing your erection.
It is now widely believed that a healthy diet and regular exercise can drastically improve a man's libido and increase erection capacity; while work stress, lifestyle excesses, overindulgence in food and drink, smoking, or lack of exercise can reduce sex drive.
The proper way of dealing with erection problems involves a nutritious diet, regular exercise routine and use only natural aphrodisiacs like goldenroot to improve stamina and erection power during sex.