Necessary Steps That Will Help You to Take Proper Care of Your Unique Engagement Rings!

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It often happens that due to the offbeat designs and patterns used to make the Unique engagement rings, leads the rings to getting fragile and as such they get bent or cracked over a period of usage.

The biggest issue that one faces in case of unique engagement rings is that they get bent or dis-shaped easily. The major reason for this is that their designs are such that in order to be unique they often overlook the thinness of the metal or the design is such that they tend to get bent over a period of usage. Generally the shank or the bottom of the ring gets bent. Some of the major causes for rings getting bent include:

€ The shank of the ring is too thin.
€ The ring size is quite big
€ And you are involved in activities where you need to lift heavy objects or grasp hard objects.

What happens if the ring shank is too thin?

One of the major reasons why a ring gets bent is because the ring shank is too thin. This may happen because you are wearing the ring for too long a duration or the shank is too thin and hence failed to adjust to the daily wear and tear.

Are you wearing an ill fitting ring?
A ring often gets bent because the ring is too big for your finger. As such the ring gets scratched against hard object easily and it the long run the metal of the ring gets affected.
Lifting heavy objects often affect the metal of the ring:

Often it happens that we lift a heavy object without think what might be is consequences. Besides effecting our body, the object might also get rubbed against the metal of the ring and make it lose its shape and get bent.

But is there no solution for this?

Well there are two solutions for this. In the first option you get your unique engagement rings checked by your designer to see if it is of the perfect size. He case he replies in the negative, get the ring re-sized. In case you have broad knuckles then also you have a solution. Ask your designer to look into the matter and suggest the best possible solution.

The second option is to get your shank checked. If it is too thin ask the designer to increase the width and breadth of the ring so that the shank can well protect the stones and that thy don't fall of the ring easily.

So now you know why this happens and what are the measures that you can take to repair it. So instead of storing the ring in a cupboard or you locker simply because it has got dis-shaped is not a solution at all. On the contrary take the initiative to get it repaired and fixed.
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