How to Win Your Ex Back - 3 Key Steps For You to Take Right Now to Win Them Back to You
You start to call her, she turned off her phone, you leave a message to call you back.
After an while, you start to call again, only to be directed to the voice mail again.
You are starting a cycle that you will have a hard time stopping if you don't control yourself.
This is not the way to get her back.
Cut All Communications I know this is a hard thing to do, but it needs to be done.
To give yourselves some breathing space and time to think.
But if you persist on calling your ex and leaving her messages, you'll soon find yourself bearing the brunt of your ex's anger, so you'd better stop doing that.
Don't Mope Around Go and be with friends.
This is not saying that you date again, but this isn't the time to be alone.
Go out with friends and have a good time.
Let your ex realize that you are not moving on yet but you are also not ready just to cry yourself to sleep every night just because she left you.
The Irresistible You Instead of moping around the house, or pigging out just because your ex left you.
Do the exact opposite, make yourself more beautiful than ever, if you need to go the span then do it.
Make sure that you exude that self-confidence and that you don't look like you've just been dumped.
So when you ex hears that you are not sulking around and bulging your eyes out crying.
She might double check her reasons for leaving you, think about you, your love for her and her love for you.
This is one of the oldest tricks in the book.
These are your first steps in bringing your ex back, now it's time to reel them in.