Pain Management Techniques
- In May of 2009, a clinical trial concluded acupuncture was effective in alleviating chronic low-back pain. People can use acupuncture to treat back pain, joint pain, neck pain, migraine headache pain and reoccurring pain. Acupuncture utilizes thin needles that are inserted into the skin for the purpose of freeing the energy flow in the body. When energy is free flowing, the body is in a healthy state.
- People who have health conditions couple with pain can go for a chiropractic treatment. Some of these conditions include low-back pain, neck pain and headache. Chiropractic treatment is administered in the form of an adjustment or manipulation. When a chiropractic adjustment or manipulation is given, a sudden and quick movement of the hand is applied to the spine to widen the range of motion of the problem area. In addition to spinal manipulation, heat and ice may be used and electrical stimulation may be given. Counseling may be advised and an exercise program may be suggested. The patient may be told to get adequate rest and take dietary supplements.
- Placed in shoes, bracelets and mattress pads, magnets supposedly give relief from pain when they come in contact with an area of the body that's experiencing pain. Although more research is required to determine if magnets do, in fact, alleviate pain when used in this manner, magnets are currently used to treat a variety of pain conditions. Some of the pain conditions treated with magnets are pain in the feet and back pain associated with arthritis and fibromyalgia. Magnets are generally safe to use, except in cases where a pacemaker, a defibrillator or insulin pump is used.
- Additional ways of treating chronic pain include psychotherapy, relaxation, biofeedback and behavior modification.
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