Mac Tips- Try Gmail For Blogging!

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If you are a Mac user and love Safari because of the simplicity, clean look and feel and speed than you have to try out blogging in Gmail and then just drag and drop right into the WYISWYG editor of Active Rain.

ScribeFire is great for Firefox uses. I like Firefox and if you don't have a Mac, then Firefox is the way to go. Of course, you can also use Safari on Windows computers. The only thing that I don't like about Scribefire is that the editor is below the window of whatever you are doing.

When I write, I like to look side to side. I don't like to work up and down. I have a Mac with a 27 inch screen so I can have different applications open all side by side. This really saves me a lot of time and helps me to be much more productive.

Here are some additional time savers for Mac users using Safari with Gmail as an editor-

You don't have to move from Kompozer to Active Rain. This saves a lot of time.
You can be reading emails and working in Gmail when suddenly you are hit with a Eureka of a post idea- just hit Compose and write your post.
You can add colors, highlighting, links and all the things you can do in Kompozer. Read more about using Gmail as your blog editor here.
Then you just drag and drop what you write into the Active Rain WSYWYG editor on your blog and publish!
But that is not all- here is the real time saver-
You send the draft of the post from Gmail to yourself as an email.
When you go to your inbox the post will be there as an email.
You can then label it Blog 2010 or whatever you want to file it as. I use several labels. I put all my posts into the label and move them all to the box labeled Blog 2010. But I add more than one label to the email. This way I can organize the posts and make it easier to find them when I need them later on.
But that is not all. The best thing is that the draft itself is date stamped for you. This gives you a very good log of when you wrote the draft to the post and prove that you are the author of the content.

I have several Gmail accounts set up for different purposes. One of them is just for Google Alerts. If I am looking through Google Alerts and find something interesting to write about- I don't have to change Gmail accounts. I can compose write in Gmail of that particular account and then email the post to my main account where I keep my posts.

So if you are using a Mac you know you are already saving mass time! But now, you can save even more time and work even faster!

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