A Buyers Guide About Generic Medicines
Everyone at some point buy out Generic medicine, as opposed to brand name drugs. The difference between generic drugs and brand name drug is the pricing. The generic drugs are much cheaper than brand name drugs. Even though most generic drugs are FDA approved, but still it is advisable to have a complete check on them before consuming. Here is a small guide that will take you through some important facts that you need to keep in mind while buying generic medicines.
Know the brand - name drug
When buying a generic drug, ensure that you know the brand name medicine for the same. In this, way you can check whether the manufacturing ingredients are same the branded drug. Also, there are other things like, the side effects and the testing methods that need to be similar to that of a branded drug for the same.
Know the side effects
It is essential to know about the side effects of drugs when you are dealing with generic drugs. Sometimes, the side effects are more than that of branded ones. Ask in detail about the effect to stay safe.
Compare the general look with the branded one
The general look of the generic drug may differ in some cases from their branded counterparts. But, the sheer look of the drug does speak about the quality to some extent. Make sure that the drug is not torn or the color of the pill has not turned pale.
Look for FDA status on the drug
Whether it is generic or branded, FDA needs to approve each and every drug that is manufactured in the country. Look for any statements in negative that is written or spoken about this particular drug.
Reason for the low price of the drug
It is a known fact that generic drugs are much cheaper that branded drugs. However, the reason for this difference is an important point that needs to be taken into account. There are millions of dollars that are spent on research of these drugs. Not all manufacturing firms are equipped enough to incur such cost. Along with this, the transportation cost, promotion and advertising are other factors determine the cost of the drug. So, ensure that the research and testing are not compromised to keep the costing of the drug low.
Anyone challenging the quality of the drug
This is one of the best ways of finding out the authenticity of any generic medicine. Look for comments that speak anything negative about the drug. There might be many who would challenge the safety of the drug if it isn't good enough. If you find any group responding with negative feedback, try to reason them and the matter will be clear to you.
Reputation of the manufacturer
Last but not the least, the reputation of the manufacturer is the key here. If the manufacturer of the medicine is reputed and has a clean background, the drug will be good enough to be consumed. However, if you find anything unconvincing about the manufacturer, it is better to do a complete research before taking a plunge.