Oil Land Management Job Description
- The local, state, or federal land area in which a landman works will have a lease administration office. The landman is responsible for reviewing and analyzing all leases and licenses that exist, or are being petitioned, for the area.
- A landman must review all ownership and operator changes and company contracts negotiations which occur in the area he is designated over. This task includes keeping a database that holds all past contract, mineral, and royalty information.
- In the preamble of the Wyoming Association of Professional Landmen, it is stated that the landman's duty is to protect the public against fraud, misrepresentation, and unethical practices. Within this duty is included the overview of workplace environments and worker safety in the area assigned.
- Within the Wyoming preamble, the most cited issue revolves around maintaining the laws, and this can be applied to any state. If a landman has a personal interest in a contract or negotiation, he must withdraw his services. A landman must not accept commission or royalties without consent. To ensure proper action, a landman must be current on the standards and practices, as issued by America's Landmen, the AAPL.
- A bachelor's degree in commerce is the base degree needed. Along with this, a landman will need an Oil and Petroleum Land Management specialization. Because of the need for a database that is to be regularly updated, a landman must know software programs, such as Microsoft Office, Excel and spreadsheet.