Diet and Probitiotics - How Long Will the Result Come Out and Which Probiotics is Better?
This article will try to address an issue about the candida diet and probiotics.
The information is based on a question from my friend.
She has been very overwhelmed by the new diet.
She asks about how long it takes to kick the yeast infection.
She also has read that probiotics are important in replacing the flora, but how do we know which is good and which isn't, because there are so many choices out there.
I've been told that Jarrow is a good brand, and that brand includes FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides), a type of "sugar" which feeds the good bacteria, the yeast cannot use it, so it allows the good guys to multiply rapidly.
FOS is OK for most people, but some doctors may advise you to stay away from it as they fear it will feed the pathogenic intestinal bacteria in the small bowel.
Besides Jarrow, someone thinks that you can't go wrong with Solgar.
They're a little more expensive than other brands, but their supplements are always good quality and they seem to work! My friend's cupboard is full of little gold bottles.
Regarding how long it takes for the diet to kick the candida, my friend gives me her input.
She is forever asking her homeopath this and he says 'how long is a piece of string?' She guesses it depends how long you've had it, where it is and how firm a hold it's got, but she has seen 'a month for every year you've been sick' quoted as a very rough guideline.
The information is based on a question from my friend.
She has been very overwhelmed by the new diet.
She asks about how long it takes to kick the yeast infection.
She also has read that probiotics are important in replacing the flora, but how do we know which is good and which isn't, because there are so many choices out there.
I've been told that Jarrow is a good brand, and that brand includes FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides), a type of "sugar" which feeds the good bacteria, the yeast cannot use it, so it allows the good guys to multiply rapidly.
FOS is OK for most people, but some doctors may advise you to stay away from it as they fear it will feed the pathogenic intestinal bacteria in the small bowel.
Besides Jarrow, someone thinks that you can't go wrong with Solgar.
They're a little more expensive than other brands, but their supplements are always good quality and they seem to work! My friend's cupboard is full of little gold bottles.
Regarding how long it takes for the diet to kick the candida, my friend gives me her input.
She is forever asking her homeopath this and he says 'how long is a piece of string?' She guesses it depends how long you've had it, where it is and how firm a hold it's got, but she has seen 'a month for every year you've been sick' quoted as a very rough guideline.