When Aspirin Is Indicated?
We can take the aspirin in this case: * Rheumatic pains; * Sore throat; * Dental pain; * Menstrual pain; * Muscle pain; * Joint pain; * Headaches and migraines; * Back pain; * Joint pain and flu.
Expert cautions us that not every pain is treated with aspirin.
If we have the pain of an ulcer should not take aspirin.
In such cases, avoid aspirin and caution in people who have a history of ulcers.
Do not take more than 4 g / day of aspirin (equivalent to 8 500 mg tablets) to avoid possible adverse effects: stomach pain and heartburn, nausea and gastrointestinal bleeding.
Note! Do not give aspirin to children under 12 years.
Aspirin and colds - In combination with vitamin C, aspirin can significantly reduce symptoms of colds and flu and to speed recovery of the body due to its antioxidant property.
Studies have shown that acetylsalicylic acid may reduce oxidative stress and prevent the destruction of blood vessels in the body.
Vitamin C has the same effect.
It is possible that aspirin and vitamin C interact synergistically, each increasing the effect of other active ingredient.
This interaction enables macrophages - cells that destroy foreign bodies such as bacteria - to be better during a cold treatment.
Thus, the severity of cold symptoms are reduced.
It's important to understand that ordinary people besides drug therapy, the heart must be protected by adopting an orderly lifestyle, proper diet, avoid sedentary lifestyle and stress control.
Treatment with aspirin remains a crucial element of care to prevent myocardial infarction especially in patients at high risk - data indicate that low-dose aspirin reduces vascular events in patients.
However, we must consider the benefits of low dose aspirin compared with the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.
The benefit: risk is based on several international guidelines that support the use of low dose aspirin for primary prevention of cardiovascular events.
Did you know...
* In 1899, aspirin was distributed in pharmacies in encapsulated powder form in bottles of 250 grams.
* In 1982 John Vane received the Nobel Prize in medicine for discovering the action of acetylsalicylic acid as an inhibitor of prostaglandin biosynthesis and has been awarded by Queen Elizabeth II * That same year, aspirin is considered by the National Academy of Science of England as the best painkiller in the world because of its proven effectiveness against headaches.