Is The US Economy Circling The Drain?
This is a medical term used by hospital staff when a patient is beyond all hope of saving but is still alive, still clinging to the very last bit of life till it too is gone,and the patient slips quietly into death.
They are no longer a part of this world and gone forever.
Is this an accurate description of our economy right now in its present state of being.
Has the real estate market hit bottom? How much longer can the federal reserve print money before our dollar is worth absolutely nothing? How much time do we have before our economy is severely effected by the reform of Petrodollar recycling, which would result in the ultimate collapse of the US dollar here in America and abroad.
These are all questions investors want to know in today's uncertain economy.
According to The Wall Street Journal's, "Money Watch",a recent study has shown the housing market is slowly on the rise 7.
5% over last year at this time.
Interest rates have never been lower for financing single family housing.
The only problem with this situation is that it really does not matter how low the interest rate is,if your worried about whether you will have a job from one day to the next.
The result is that the average citizen is going to hold on to what ever money they have due to a lack of consumer confidence in an uncertain economy.
People worried about jobs and the future don't spend money.
They also don't spend money on consumer goods which further hurts our already stressed economy.
What money they do spend on housing and consumer goods is getting even smaller due to shrinking value of our American dollar which has been quoted to be worth only 4 cents per dollar, thanks to the federal reserve banking system of America.
Every time,the federal reserve creates a need to print more money,it connects with the US Congress to make that happen.
In the past, every dollar printed by the fed used to be backed by gold.
This law was done away with in 1971.
After that date,the federal reserve had a free reign to create money out of nothing and backed only by a promise to pay.
The Fed will not account for what they do nor do they feel that they should.
This what they believe as they control the cash flow of America's private citizens.
Since they are a private company,and connected to the us congress, much information is withheld from the American public on their activities, intentions,and ownership of the federal reserve banking system.
They are no more Federal than Federal Express.
How is it that an independent company in the private sector has a hold on this country's finances without a transparent view of them by the American public and without accountability of any kind.
They basically have a free reign to do what they want when they want it, which will bring this country down financially to its knees.
This will not stop unless the federal reserve banking system is abolished,and our governing bodies are separated from the financial institutions of the private sector.
In addition,corporations should not be allowed to contribute any monies to any political parties of any kind ever again.
Before the US dollar totally collapses,American citizens will only have to monitor of collapse of the "Petrodollar System, "which now is in the process of reforming negotiations with OPEC and other foreign nations.
Their goal is to change the currency for buying oil from US dollars to Eros.
First,one must understand the petrodollar system and how it works.
For foreign countries to buy oil, they must first exchange their own currency for US dollars.
That is what the US world leaders decided.
Foreign countries in turn sell the US their products to get a higher rate of exchange for US dollars.
All excess profits made by these countries are then recycled back into a US Federal Reserve Account.
So as a result, the federal reserve is able to make major profits from the out going dollars to other countries and again when they recycle their excess profits back into private federal reserve accounts.
This could also account for the secrecy of the owners of these accounts.
If OPEC and other foreign countries are successful in changing the currency for buying oil,the US dollar will no longer be needed.
The Russian Securities Exchange recently opened direct trading between the Chinese currency, the Renminbi, and the Russian Ruble.
Other smaller foreign nations are presently discussing switching to the Euro.
At this point,two things will happen.
The US will go to war(WWIII) to keep of oil and the mega profits they are making as a result of the petrodollar recycling process.
They did it in Iraq when the Bush administration found out Saddam Hussein was in the process of changing the currency to gold for all Iraq's oil.
The Bush administration put a stop to that by going to war to fight the so called war against terrorism, which was pure bullshit.
They gave the same reasons for going to war with Afghanistan when they really wanted to secure the Caspian Oil Pipeline that extended through that country.
Every year the federal reserve must create debt in excess of the debt and interest of the previous year to keep the petrodollar system functioning.
The results are clear.
When debt is created,money is created.
When debt is paid off,money is destroyed.
There will never be enough to pay off the debt which leaves consumers stuck in a never ending rat race to keep up.
So do not expect for things to get better.
They will only get worse at this point and there is a reason for that.
Its because the owners(1%) of this country want more for themselves and less for us (99%).
So,their bottom line is their master and they do not give a dam about the American people, never have and never will.
As long as the owners of this country have control of nation's money,they do not care who makes the laws.
They are no longer a part of this world and gone forever.
Is this an accurate description of our economy right now in its present state of being.
Has the real estate market hit bottom? How much longer can the federal reserve print money before our dollar is worth absolutely nothing? How much time do we have before our economy is severely effected by the reform of Petrodollar recycling, which would result in the ultimate collapse of the US dollar here in America and abroad.
These are all questions investors want to know in today's uncertain economy.
According to The Wall Street Journal's, "Money Watch",a recent study has shown the housing market is slowly on the rise 7.
5% over last year at this time.
Interest rates have never been lower for financing single family housing.
The only problem with this situation is that it really does not matter how low the interest rate is,if your worried about whether you will have a job from one day to the next.
The result is that the average citizen is going to hold on to what ever money they have due to a lack of consumer confidence in an uncertain economy.
People worried about jobs and the future don't spend money.
They also don't spend money on consumer goods which further hurts our already stressed economy.
What money they do spend on housing and consumer goods is getting even smaller due to shrinking value of our American dollar which has been quoted to be worth only 4 cents per dollar, thanks to the federal reserve banking system of America.
Every time,the federal reserve creates a need to print more money,it connects with the US Congress to make that happen.
In the past, every dollar printed by the fed used to be backed by gold.
This law was done away with in 1971.
After that date,the federal reserve had a free reign to create money out of nothing and backed only by a promise to pay.
The Fed will not account for what they do nor do they feel that they should.
This what they believe as they control the cash flow of America's private citizens.
Since they are a private company,and connected to the us congress, much information is withheld from the American public on their activities, intentions,and ownership of the federal reserve banking system.
They are no more Federal than Federal Express.
How is it that an independent company in the private sector has a hold on this country's finances without a transparent view of them by the American public and without accountability of any kind.
They basically have a free reign to do what they want when they want it, which will bring this country down financially to its knees.
This will not stop unless the federal reserve banking system is abolished,and our governing bodies are separated from the financial institutions of the private sector.
In addition,corporations should not be allowed to contribute any monies to any political parties of any kind ever again.
Before the US dollar totally collapses,American citizens will only have to monitor of collapse of the "Petrodollar System, "which now is in the process of reforming negotiations with OPEC and other foreign nations.
Their goal is to change the currency for buying oil from US dollars to Eros.
First,one must understand the petrodollar system and how it works.
For foreign countries to buy oil, they must first exchange their own currency for US dollars.
That is what the US world leaders decided.
Foreign countries in turn sell the US their products to get a higher rate of exchange for US dollars.
All excess profits made by these countries are then recycled back into a US Federal Reserve Account.
So as a result, the federal reserve is able to make major profits from the out going dollars to other countries and again when they recycle their excess profits back into private federal reserve accounts.
This could also account for the secrecy of the owners of these accounts.
If OPEC and other foreign countries are successful in changing the currency for buying oil,the US dollar will no longer be needed.
The Russian Securities Exchange recently opened direct trading between the Chinese currency, the Renminbi, and the Russian Ruble.
Other smaller foreign nations are presently discussing switching to the Euro.
At this point,two things will happen.
The US will go to war(WWIII) to keep of oil and the mega profits they are making as a result of the petrodollar recycling process.
They did it in Iraq when the Bush administration found out Saddam Hussein was in the process of changing the currency to gold for all Iraq's oil.
The Bush administration put a stop to that by going to war to fight the so called war against terrorism, which was pure bullshit.
They gave the same reasons for going to war with Afghanistan when they really wanted to secure the Caspian Oil Pipeline that extended through that country.
Every year the federal reserve must create debt in excess of the debt and interest of the previous year to keep the petrodollar system functioning.
The results are clear.
When debt is created,money is created.
When debt is paid off,money is destroyed.
There will never be enough to pay off the debt which leaves consumers stuck in a never ending rat race to keep up.
So do not expect for things to get better.
They will only get worse at this point and there is a reason for that.
Its because the owners(1%) of this country want more for themselves and less for us (99%).
So,their bottom line is their master and they do not give a dam about the American people, never have and never will.
As long as the owners of this country have control of nation's money,they do not care who makes the laws.