Sunday School Activities for the Walls of Jericho
Jericho March
Build a wall with cardboard blocks. After telling the story of Joshua and the walls of Jericho, teach your students a marching song, preferably one with Jericho as the subject. Then have them march around the wall silently six times. On the seventh time around, have them stamp their feet, shout and sing until the wall topples over.
Dividing Wall
Give each of your older Sunday School students a piece of paper with bricks outlined on it. After telling the story of Jericho and the walls coming down, ask them to spend a few minutes in quiet prayer and reflection. Have them write in each of the bricks something that separates them from God. Then let all students fold the paper and take it home. Encourage them to take it out during the week and pray that God will find a way to make the wall that separates them come tumbling down.
Trumpet Construction
Give Sunday School children pieces of poster board or construction paper that they can roll up in a cylinder to make a trumpet. Give them buttons to glue on and let them decorate the horns any way they wish. Before rolling it up and gluing it, have students write the week's memory verse along the side of it.
Joshua Says
Talk about how the Israelites may have been skeptical about God's commands on how to take the city. However, they had learned in their years in the desert not to grumble and to instead trust in God. God had placed Joshua as their commander and because the Israelites chose to obey Joshua, God delivered the city into their hands. Play a version of Simon Says, but use "Joshua Says" instead.