Weight Loss and Formaldehyde; Is Formaldehyde Affecting Your Weight Loss?
For all those that are overweight or obese, including myself, we find it frustrating that no matter what we try the weight is very difficult to come off. We are bombarded everyday on weight loss products and programs, new exercise routines, and restrictive diets. All of which have a place in managing your weight.
I strongly believe that diet and exercise has a portion of weight management but only a portion. I believe weight management is evenly proportioned in five parts: exercise, nutrition, water, stress, and chemicals.
• 20% is getting enough exercise. 150 minutes per week moderate of intensity aerobic activity (shorter time if vigorous) and 2+ days of muscle strengthening activities.
• 20% is nutrition. Eating a variety of foods from all food groups and adding in supplements.
• 20% is from consuming enough water to help the body detox the system.
• 20% is the way we handle our lifestyles stress and relaxation. There are many ways to learn how to manage stress and learn to relax like with counseling, meditation, tai chi, art, or dance.
• 20% is from the chemicals we are exposed to everyday of our lives. These chemicals plug up the liver, they mess with hormones, and they slow the process of all cell activity.
One such chemical is Formaldehyde.
Formaldehyde is a colorless, strong-smelling gas. Most of us are familiar with it from Biology class; those of us that have dissected anything know that wonderful aroma. Most of us associate formaldehyde with embalming, yup that stuff that they preserve the tissue of dead people.
Many studies have been done on formaldehyde and what it does to the body. In the late 1970's it was theorized that it could cause cancer. Well they found out formaldehyde does but manufactures still use it. Formaldehyde can cause: lesions on the skin, burning eyes, nose and throat, difficult breathing, asthma, bronchitis, damage to pulmonary function, allergic reactions lowering your immune system, vomiting, abdominal pain, reproductive problems, spontaneous abortion, abnormal menstrual cycles, dizziness, headaches, brain tumors, leukemia, cancer and death. Knowing that it does these horrible things to the body, then it is safe to assume that it affects the thyroid which is affects our metabolism and it affects the liver, the major organ for detoxing. No wonder weight loss is so difficult.
European countries have banned formaldehyde due to the cancer causing effect. However, in Bangladesh, Thailand, Indonesia, Pakistan and Vietnam it has been used illegally as a preservative in food to such high quantities as to cause death.
Manufactures like to hide things, they get creative with names so the bad name of formaldehyde is hidden in these: Quaternium-15, imidazolidinyl urea, diazolidinyl urea, DMDM, hydantoin, methyladehyde, formalin, methanol, methylene oide, oxymethyline urea, formic aldehyde, 1,3-dioxetane, oxomethane formalin, phenol formaldehyde, sodium hydroxylemethylglcinate and bronopol. Just to name a few.
Test from our air, soil, food, and water found formaldehyde in:
• Forest fires, automobile exhaust, tobacco smoke, smog
• Pesticides and fertilizers
• Fruits and vegetables
• Preservatives to extend the shelf life of food
• The construction and furnishings of our homes be it a shack or a castle: plywood, carpeting, resin, paint, insulation, Particleboard and glues. The furniture we put in our house: leather, leatherette, kitchen cabinets, wood looking furniture, and the glue that holds real wood together.
• "wrinkle free" and permanent press types of clothing
• The material in a car that gives it that "new car" smell
• Shampoos, soap, body wash, bubble bath, baby wipes, sunblock, cosmetics, lotions, deodorant, toothpaste, nail polish, hair smoothing treatments, sanitary napkins
• Flea and tick pet shampoo, beauty spray for dogs, aquarium fertilizer and cleaner, aquarium water balance
• Paper towels, toilet paper, tissue paper
• Cleaning products: laundry, furniture cleaner, floor cleaner, bathroom cleaner
• Photography film, development solution
• Antiseptics, wart treatments, latex rubber
• Vaccines
In organic life forms, when the cell metabolizes or when it breaks down amino acids, citric fruits and juices, vegetables; it produces formaldehyde. It is broken down quickly in the body and released by urination, breathing, and sweat. However if other issues like a clogged liver, slow functioning thyroid gland or plugged kidneys then disease and illness happen. The release of formaldehyde in a clogged system can cause inflammation, which does not help us in weight loss.
It is broken down in the environment within a few hours by sunlight or by bacteria present in soil or water. Now this dilapidation from environmental factors like temperature and humidity can cause formaldehyde to release form your furnishings and home causing indoor pollution. In addition, on occasion, it has broken down in food with a shelf life to end up contaminating the food it was supposed to preserve.
I am happy to report that there is an allergy and blood tests for yourself just ask your medical professional. There are also test kits for your house, to test the exposure of formaldehyde, just check online.
No one can avoid exposure to formaldehyde, but it is possible to reduce exposure and build healthy lifestyle changes to help our bodies get rid of these toxins.
Look at the products you use every day and swap them for a more ecofriendly product. Use natural beauty and hygiene products, green household cleaners, natural pet flea control and shampoo, natural weed and pest control. Wash your fruits and vegetables. Eat more organic. Eat more natural foods and fewer boxed or canned. Drink filtered water. Learn to relax. Open your windows. Get up and move. Wash new clothes and let dry outside for a couple days. Open all new furniture in your garage, open the window, and air out for a few days. The more chemicals you can remove the easier it is for the body to detox and lose weight.
Most products contain only very small amounts of harmful chemicals. The danger lies in our modern habits of using many of these products, and for a long time. As you surround yourself with more and more formaldehyde-containing products, your exposure level increases. Similarly, the longer you expose yourself to these products the more exposure you are getting and the harder it is to get rid of. Accumulation of a toxic body is weight gain; healthy release of formaldehyde is weight loss.
It may take a few months to adapt to a new habit, do not give up, and stick with it. The rewards are worth it. Do changes to your lifestyle slowly, one at a time and your body will fight against the changes less.
Check out my website HERE to get more tips on food, exercise, supplements, and more.
Have a Happy Healthy Day!
DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and anything said on this website, my articles, my blogs and any social networks are of course all ‘in my opinion'. It is recommended that any changes to your lifestyle should be discussed with your medical professional.