How to Exchange an iPhone 2G Under Warranty
- 1). Browse through the warranty that Apple issues with your iPhone as well as any warranties from another store such as Best Buy. Understand the terms of each warranty you hold.
- 2). Bring your mobile device to a local Apple retail establishment. Ask one of the employees at the store who work at the "Genius Bar" to look at your iPhone. If you have a chance to repair your phone via software, they can explain how to do this at no cost, so you may not have to exchange the device.
- 3). Use the Apple Internet-based Service Assistant if your warranty covers your iPhone repair. This online application tells you where to send your phone for repair based on your location.
- 4). Bring your mobile phone to the big box store where you acquired your extended service warranty. Bring a copy of your warranty to the store, so that you can go over it with a store representative from the Customer Service department and exchange your iPhone.