Is America Ready For Ron Paul?
Many people want to judge candidates in the 2008 Presidential Election on things like abortion.
It really does not matter how any candidate feels about abortion, it is a non-issue at this point.
Immigration, the Iraq war, the corporate takeover of America and what we do about each of these things, could determine the direction and even the future existence of our country.
Our founding fathers believed that we should not get involved in foreign issues that are not of vital national interest.
Right now we have soldiers stationed in over 130 countries around the world.
We need to bring those soldiers home and ensure that we have strong national defense.
Part of a strong national defense is securing our borders.
Any country that has 12 million people crossing its borders illegally, would realize an invasion is going on.
The citizens of the United States realize we are being invaded and are coming to understand that our politicians simply do not care.
One of the biggest opponents of border security and proponents of amnesty is the United States Chamber of Commerce.
The United States Chamber of Commerce represents all the major corporation of our country and they could care less what the average American citizen wants.
Now I am all for capitalism, but a capitalism without patriotism will be the end of our great Republic.
Civilizations have come and gone throughout history.
What Rome took with the sword, Corporations now take with a pen, a huge bankroll, influence of corrupt politicians and the might of the United States Military Machine.
The elite corporations of our world move jobs, people, equipment and merchandise across borders with their only loyalty to the corporation and corporate profit.
United States manufacturers claim they can not turn a profit without cheap foreign labor.
Yet Japanese manufacturers have moved their manufacturing facilities here, are paying good wages, and are doing even better than our American Corporations.
The same corporations that have virtually all manufacturing conducted outside of the United States, in third world countries.
Many corporations that do not move out of the United States, try to circumvent paying a decent wage to Americans by hiring illegal aliens.
I know of a property management company in Denver that has over 1,000 illegal aliens on its cleaning payroll.
These corporations would like us to believe that the illegals are doing jobs Americans will not.
That is simply not true.
They are doing jobs at wages Americans can not afford.
Americans don't live in small apartments with 3 or more families, with everyone sleeping in shifts.
We will do their work, but only at a decent wage.
So, is America ready for Ron Paul? My opinion, America was ready for Ron Paul the day President Bill Clinton signed the NAFTA agreement with the full support of President Reagan and President Bush.
The saying in my circle of friends is "the Democrats and Republicans are both taking us to the same place, they just take different roads.
" Ron Paul believes in the Constitution of the United States and does not vote on anything that would contradict what our Constitution says.
With Ron Paul as President we would not be going into a war unless Congress declared war.
Besides being the legal way to declare war, that eliminates the flakes in Congress from playing the blame game at election time.
Ron Paul does not believe in treaties with foreign countries and would work to pull us out of all the foreign entanglements we are currently in.
No more United Nations, no more NAFTA, CAFTA or NATO, etc.
The truth is, we don't need these countries as much as they need us and being in these treaties is costing us a fortune.
Ron Paul believes in low taxes, a small government and generally, the government staying out of your business.
Just think what kind of budget the United States would have if we did not have to finance an overseas military and the IRS, among others.
So will Americans vote for Ron Paul? Well, the extreme left will not.
They are to stuck on feel good politics.
For the extreme left, it feels great to take money out of a hardworking Americans pocket and give it to a pet charity.
Besides Ron Paul believes in a right to life.
So even if the country was in decimation and ruin, the extreme left would be afraid of losing the right to an abortion.
The hard working blue collar American whether on the left or right should be ready for Ron Paul's message.
After all, what hard working blue collar worker likes to see their children die in a war for oil, wants to pay more in taxes so corporations can get tax breaks for sending their jobs overseas, or enjoys watching illegal aliens cross the border nightly on the news? People come from various backgrounds in support for Ron Paul.
Supporters of Ron Paul may not all agree with each other, but we can agree on his message.
Bill Clinton was virtually unknown to most Americans when he started his race for the presidency.
Ron Paul has a great start at the grass roots level, if he comes in at least third place in the Iowa Straw poll he has a chance to be a real contender for the presidency.
by MikeWarner American Freedom
It really does not matter how any candidate feels about abortion, it is a non-issue at this point.
Immigration, the Iraq war, the corporate takeover of America and what we do about each of these things, could determine the direction and even the future existence of our country.
Our founding fathers believed that we should not get involved in foreign issues that are not of vital national interest.
Right now we have soldiers stationed in over 130 countries around the world.
We need to bring those soldiers home and ensure that we have strong national defense.
Part of a strong national defense is securing our borders.
Any country that has 12 million people crossing its borders illegally, would realize an invasion is going on.
The citizens of the United States realize we are being invaded and are coming to understand that our politicians simply do not care.
One of the biggest opponents of border security and proponents of amnesty is the United States Chamber of Commerce.
The United States Chamber of Commerce represents all the major corporation of our country and they could care less what the average American citizen wants.
Now I am all for capitalism, but a capitalism without patriotism will be the end of our great Republic.
Civilizations have come and gone throughout history.
What Rome took with the sword, Corporations now take with a pen, a huge bankroll, influence of corrupt politicians and the might of the United States Military Machine.
The elite corporations of our world move jobs, people, equipment and merchandise across borders with their only loyalty to the corporation and corporate profit.
United States manufacturers claim they can not turn a profit without cheap foreign labor.
Yet Japanese manufacturers have moved their manufacturing facilities here, are paying good wages, and are doing even better than our American Corporations.
The same corporations that have virtually all manufacturing conducted outside of the United States, in third world countries.
Many corporations that do not move out of the United States, try to circumvent paying a decent wage to Americans by hiring illegal aliens.
I know of a property management company in Denver that has over 1,000 illegal aliens on its cleaning payroll.
These corporations would like us to believe that the illegals are doing jobs Americans will not.
That is simply not true.
They are doing jobs at wages Americans can not afford.
Americans don't live in small apartments with 3 or more families, with everyone sleeping in shifts.
We will do their work, but only at a decent wage.
So, is America ready for Ron Paul? My opinion, America was ready for Ron Paul the day President Bill Clinton signed the NAFTA agreement with the full support of President Reagan and President Bush.
The saying in my circle of friends is "the Democrats and Republicans are both taking us to the same place, they just take different roads.
" Ron Paul believes in the Constitution of the United States and does not vote on anything that would contradict what our Constitution says.
With Ron Paul as President we would not be going into a war unless Congress declared war.
Besides being the legal way to declare war, that eliminates the flakes in Congress from playing the blame game at election time.
Ron Paul does not believe in treaties with foreign countries and would work to pull us out of all the foreign entanglements we are currently in.
No more United Nations, no more NAFTA, CAFTA or NATO, etc.
The truth is, we don't need these countries as much as they need us and being in these treaties is costing us a fortune.
Ron Paul believes in low taxes, a small government and generally, the government staying out of your business.
Just think what kind of budget the United States would have if we did not have to finance an overseas military and the IRS, among others.
So will Americans vote for Ron Paul? Well, the extreme left will not.
They are to stuck on feel good politics.
For the extreme left, it feels great to take money out of a hardworking Americans pocket and give it to a pet charity.
Besides Ron Paul believes in a right to life.
So even if the country was in decimation and ruin, the extreme left would be afraid of losing the right to an abortion.
The hard working blue collar American whether on the left or right should be ready for Ron Paul's message.
After all, what hard working blue collar worker likes to see their children die in a war for oil, wants to pay more in taxes so corporations can get tax breaks for sending their jobs overseas, or enjoys watching illegal aliens cross the border nightly on the news? People come from various backgrounds in support for Ron Paul.
Supporters of Ron Paul may not all agree with each other, but we can agree on his message.
Bill Clinton was virtually unknown to most Americans when he started his race for the presidency.
Ron Paul has a great start at the grass roots level, if he comes in at least third place in the Iowa Straw poll he has a chance to be a real contender for the presidency.
by MikeWarner American Freedom