How to Find Motivation to Exercise

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4 exercise tips that will help you get in shape this summer! Getting motivated to exercise can often times be harder than exercise itself.
The important part is taking the first step, even if you don't want to start by putting your workout clothes on.
This will send a signal to your brain that you are getting prepared to work out.
Now, commit to just 5 minutes of exercise, chances are once you get going you won't want to stop! Recent studies that doing just 20 minutes of exercise three times a week, can increase your energy levels by 20%! Having more energy will give you motivation to do more exercise and to stick with it.
This is the beginning of a great cycle! 1.
) Caffeine isn't the enemy.
At one point it was believed that caffeine before a workout would make you dehydrated.
This just isn't the case, studies have shown that those who consume caffeine before a workout were able to move faster and go longer than those who did not consume caffeine before their workout.
This jolt will stimulate your mind and body giving you a much needed boost to start and stick with your exercise plan.
) Find a fitness buddy.
Finding a friend to exercise with can make the process much more enjoyable.
You are more likely to stick with exercise if you have someone with you, cheering you on.
Working out with someone else will push you to go further or longer, something you may not challenge yourself to do when you're alone.
) Get your groove on.
Finding an up tempo mix to exercise to will give you a much needed boost to get through your exercise.
You will also work out much harder and enjoy the exercise if you are listening to your favorite music.
) Try a supplement.
It is very important to consume at least 15mg of zinc a day.
Zinc will keep you from feeling short of breath during your workout.
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