Obama 1st Year Anniversary
Now that we are 1 year into the Obama administration we can begin to measure some of the positives and negatives of his Presidency.
To begin, President Obama entered office with probably the highest expectations of any American President.
Not only high expectations from the American people but from the world as well.
Prior to being elected he was likened to being a superhero like Superman and even some went as far as to say that he was the Messiah coming to save the world from its self generated evils.
Coming in on the dirty heels of the Bush administration with its its bowels spewing forth crappy kryptonite Obama has had to undertake a monumental task that few Presidents have had to face.
Obama is neither Superman nor Saint as we have now begun to realize and, I think that we can finally judge him from a human perspective rather than that of him being a demigod.
Yes Obama is a human being who puts his pants on one leg at a time.
We should all rejoice that the expectations have come back to down to earth as one man cannot erase or alleviate the ills within the U.
America created its own problems with its blind trust in politicians, the fed, bankers, and lawyers and for this most of us have to bear some of the responsibilities that go along with these facts.
I believe in Obama not because he is the first Black President but because he has maintained his principles under enormous pressure.
He has learned one year on that although universal accomplishments are still possible it won't happen following a nice guy approach to get the respect from his foes and fans.
In the end he can still achieve the greatest heights despite what appear to be ever growing odds against him.
The primary change that Obama has brought about is a renewed respect and interest by most countries for the United States once again.
It is vital that the U.
remain in the spotlight as the most respected country because of our ideals and constitution.
It does appear that with his leadership he has been able to stave off a collapse of 2/3 of the major automobile manufacturers and there is evidence that the bank bailout and other measures are slowly reviving the the U.
Where he has had less then stellar results is in regards to health care and the closing of the Guantanamo Bay facility in Cuba.
There are reasons that President Obama has had to drag his feet with Guantanamo and it's understandable given the fact that some of the detainees are from Yemen and without a stable government in place there it would be unwise to release them to the authorities there.
Nevertheless there has been ample time to shut down Guantanamo and relocate these people somewhere within the U.
borders where they should have been put in the first place in my opinion.
We have a long way to go in his tenure as POTUS and if allowed to do so I believe he will be one of the greatest leaders our country has ever had the pleasure of having as its leader.
To begin, President Obama entered office with probably the highest expectations of any American President.
Not only high expectations from the American people but from the world as well.
Prior to being elected he was likened to being a superhero like Superman and even some went as far as to say that he was the Messiah coming to save the world from its self generated evils.
Coming in on the dirty heels of the Bush administration with its its bowels spewing forth crappy kryptonite Obama has had to undertake a monumental task that few Presidents have had to face.
Obama is neither Superman nor Saint as we have now begun to realize and, I think that we can finally judge him from a human perspective rather than that of him being a demigod.
Yes Obama is a human being who puts his pants on one leg at a time.
We should all rejoice that the expectations have come back to down to earth as one man cannot erase or alleviate the ills within the U.
America created its own problems with its blind trust in politicians, the fed, bankers, and lawyers and for this most of us have to bear some of the responsibilities that go along with these facts.
I believe in Obama not because he is the first Black President but because he has maintained his principles under enormous pressure.
He has learned one year on that although universal accomplishments are still possible it won't happen following a nice guy approach to get the respect from his foes and fans.
In the end he can still achieve the greatest heights despite what appear to be ever growing odds against him.
The primary change that Obama has brought about is a renewed respect and interest by most countries for the United States once again.
It is vital that the U.
remain in the spotlight as the most respected country because of our ideals and constitution.
It does appear that with his leadership he has been able to stave off a collapse of 2/3 of the major automobile manufacturers and there is evidence that the bank bailout and other measures are slowly reviving the the U.
Where he has had less then stellar results is in regards to health care and the closing of the Guantanamo Bay facility in Cuba.
There are reasons that President Obama has had to drag his feet with Guantanamo and it's understandable given the fact that some of the detainees are from Yemen and without a stable government in place there it would be unwise to release them to the authorities there.
Nevertheless there has been ample time to shut down Guantanamo and relocate these people somewhere within the U.
borders where they should have been put in the first place in my opinion.
We have a long way to go in his tenure as POTUS and if allowed to do so I believe he will be one of the greatest leaders our country has ever had the pleasure of having as its leader.