How to Win the Battle Against Nasty Cold Germs, Etc
I really needed to come up with preventatives after working in the public school system the past few years. I hadn't been sick for years until finally all the continual germs and viruses that I was exposed to caught up with me and I was extremely sick last Xmas break and last Spring break... Enough of lousy holidays! "Plan on enjoying your days off!"
First and foremost, if you're lacking energy, like if you have to drag yourself through the afternoon, go home and rest! That's it - lay on the couch - let the troops fend for themselves - better yet, let them fend for you or order a healthy dinner delivered.
Enhance your well being with quick-cooked or better yet, as many raw veggies as you can. Munch on a raw carrot or pieces of celery while cooking dinner or talking on the phone; crunch, crunch, "oh ya, is that right?", crunch crunch, etc. There's endless zillions of wonderful salads that can be thrown together - even to make full meals. It's just so nice now cause you can buy so many that are ready to go into the bowl. If you're lacking ideas grab a salad cookbook or Google salad recipes online. Add raw seeds and nuts to them to get your Omegas. Oh ya, let's not forget garlic - the rawer the better! It's just such a natural penicillin. Hopefully you like it. I think it's one of those foods, the more you eat it the more you like it. I'm even to the point of eating fresh sliced garlic, mixed with mayo or plain, on toast. Okay not everyday, only when I'm trying to recharge! Apparently eating fresh parsley with garlic helps with the breath issue! Many people simply take garlic capsules while others make a tea with chopped garlic - cheap, easy and effective. This also cures sinus trouble and pneumonia.
Fresh fruit really enhances the immune system to ward off all the germs floating around. It's the first on my daily eating agenda. I seem to benefit mostly from the citrus ones so a grapefruit and orange top the list along with a banana to feel full and give me a feeling of calmness and a boost of potassium. Later on before lunch it's good to add an apple or grapes, kiwis, strawberries, etc., whatever you like. Colorful fruits are high in antioxidants too. The fruit gives you a lot of needed energy and is a great cleaner-outer of stuffs your body doesn't need. As the day progresses more tasty foods aid in this.
Bran Muffins or whole wheat breads filled with wonderfully healthy stuff like oat bran, ground flax seed, wheat germ, and then sweetened with raisins, dried cranberries and molasses keeps the elimination of nasty germs rolling along. I'll post my favorite tasty recipe later on.
WATER - natures best cleaner! Do It! Don't like it? Just like anything else, add it to your diet in small increments. I'm finally at the point where I crave it. Actually a big part of feeling tired is simply being dehydrated. Drinking water is energizing. If you are worried about the quality of your water installing a filter under your taps or on your tap is cheaper than buying bottled water. Waterpik on your kitchen tap is even a better deal than Britta for replacement filter costs.
If you're fighting a cold it's still okay to be outside in cold winter air. The main thing is to keep your neck and feet warm. If they're continually too cold they can cause you to be ill. Fresh air and moderate exercise is still important when you're feeling draggy! If you do get the chills the sooner you take a hot shower or an epson salt bath (helps expel toxins) the sooner you'll feel warm and cosy.
It doesn't hurt to take a few of the fabulous items found at your favorite health food area location either. Chewable vitamins C's have now evolved into 'Ester-C' - buy them on sale - so good for you along with Oregano Oil, taken under the tongue. When I'm really on the fighting side I take as much as I can stand at least twice a day! Goji Berries are fantastic too, the new superfood, stacked with vitamin C. They're also costly. I buy them in the bulk section and take around 10 a day, during my morning fruit eatin' sessions. Cayenne pepper also tops the list. Taking capsules or mince them to add along with garlic to salads and main dishes assists your body in expelling mucus from your respiratory passages. I'm sure you already have your own tried and true methods to assisting with avoiding sickness - just a few tips to add to your repertoire. Oh ya, one last thing - Salt Water.
Even doctors are now prescribing salt water to gargle and use in the nose. My doctor gave me a syringe - kind of embarrassing to buy one in this day and age. The idea is to tilt your head back and let it go up/down the nose to find it's way clear down to your throat and it even clears your 'pipes' to your ears. You'll have to blow your nose a few times (better out than in) and you'll feel your ears clearing out if that makes any sense! It works. The great thing is that it prevents any yucky stuff from getting down into your lungs and say good-bye to sinus headaches! Experiment with your salt/water mix, 1 teaspoon to 1 cup warm water is okay but if it's too 'salty' add a bit of water or vice versa!
When you can't avoid nasty germs try these tips and you'll feel a lot more confident about being healthy - last tip - Think Positive! If you hear yourself constantly saying that you don't feel very good, you won't feel good! Your best bet is to think 'healthy' and cheery thoughts! Please feel free to post all your 'cheery' tips here. Avoiding the common cold is historical!
Laurie Meers has been an avid fan of good nutrition for a few decades now. To read more informative articles like this click Also check out my blog profile for links to my other blogs; and others
Your feedback is always appreciated!
First and foremost, if you're lacking energy, like if you have to drag yourself through the afternoon, go home and rest! That's it - lay on the couch - let the troops fend for themselves - better yet, let them fend for you or order a healthy dinner delivered.
Enhance your well being with quick-cooked or better yet, as many raw veggies as you can. Munch on a raw carrot or pieces of celery while cooking dinner or talking on the phone; crunch, crunch, "oh ya, is that right?", crunch crunch, etc. There's endless zillions of wonderful salads that can be thrown together - even to make full meals. It's just so nice now cause you can buy so many that are ready to go into the bowl. If you're lacking ideas grab a salad cookbook or Google salad recipes online. Add raw seeds and nuts to them to get your Omegas. Oh ya, let's not forget garlic - the rawer the better! It's just such a natural penicillin. Hopefully you like it. I think it's one of those foods, the more you eat it the more you like it. I'm even to the point of eating fresh sliced garlic, mixed with mayo or plain, on toast. Okay not everyday, only when I'm trying to recharge! Apparently eating fresh parsley with garlic helps with the breath issue! Many people simply take garlic capsules while others make a tea with chopped garlic - cheap, easy and effective. This also cures sinus trouble and pneumonia.
Fresh fruit really enhances the immune system to ward off all the germs floating around. It's the first on my daily eating agenda. I seem to benefit mostly from the citrus ones so a grapefruit and orange top the list along with a banana to feel full and give me a feeling of calmness and a boost of potassium. Later on before lunch it's good to add an apple or grapes, kiwis, strawberries, etc., whatever you like. Colorful fruits are high in antioxidants too. The fruit gives you a lot of needed energy and is a great cleaner-outer of stuffs your body doesn't need. As the day progresses more tasty foods aid in this.
Bran Muffins or whole wheat breads filled with wonderfully healthy stuff like oat bran, ground flax seed, wheat germ, and then sweetened with raisins, dried cranberries and molasses keeps the elimination of nasty germs rolling along. I'll post my favorite tasty recipe later on.
WATER - natures best cleaner! Do It! Don't like it? Just like anything else, add it to your diet in small increments. I'm finally at the point where I crave it. Actually a big part of feeling tired is simply being dehydrated. Drinking water is energizing. If you are worried about the quality of your water installing a filter under your taps or on your tap is cheaper than buying bottled water. Waterpik on your kitchen tap is even a better deal than Britta for replacement filter costs.
If you're fighting a cold it's still okay to be outside in cold winter air. The main thing is to keep your neck and feet warm. If they're continually too cold they can cause you to be ill. Fresh air and moderate exercise is still important when you're feeling draggy! If you do get the chills the sooner you take a hot shower or an epson salt bath (helps expel toxins) the sooner you'll feel warm and cosy.
It doesn't hurt to take a few of the fabulous items found at your favorite health food area location either. Chewable vitamins C's have now evolved into 'Ester-C' - buy them on sale - so good for you along with Oregano Oil, taken under the tongue. When I'm really on the fighting side I take as much as I can stand at least twice a day! Goji Berries are fantastic too, the new superfood, stacked with vitamin C. They're also costly. I buy them in the bulk section and take around 10 a day, during my morning fruit eatin' sessions. Cayenne pepper also tops the list. Taking capsules or mince them to add along with garlic to salads and main dishes assists your body in expelling mucus from your respiratory passages. I'm sure you already have your own tried and true methods to assisting with avoiding sickness - just a few tips to add to your repertoire. Oh ya, one last thing - Salt Water.
Even doctors are now prescribing salt water to gargle and use in the nose. My doctor gave me a syringe - kind of embarrassing to buy one in this day and age. The idea is to tilt your head back and let it go up/down the nose to find it's way clear down to your throat and it even clears your 'pipes' to your ears. You'll have to blow your nose a few times (better out than in) and you'll feel your ears clearing out if that makes any sense! It works. The great thing is that it prevents any yucky stuff from getting down into your lungs and say good-bye to sinus headaches! Experiment with your salt/water mix, 1 teaspoon to 1 cup warm water is okay but if it's too 'salty' add a bit of water or vice versa!
When you can't avoid nasty germs try these tips and you'll feel a lot more confident about being healthy - last tip - Think Positive! If you hear yourself constantly saying that you don't feel very good, you won't feel good! Your best bet is to think 'healthy' and cheery thoughts! Please feel free to post all your 'cheery' tips here. Avoiding the common cold is historical!
Laurie Meers has been an avid fan of good nutrition for a few decades now. To read more informative articles like this click Also check out my blog profile for links to my other blogs; and others
Your feedback is always appreciated!