Microsoft Word 2007 Track Changes
Microsoft Word 2007 Track Changes is found on the Review Ribbon, in the Tracking group.
In this tutorial I will show you how to turn on and turn off Track Changes, and also how to accept or reject the changes made.
Turn On Track Changes: When you wish to start tracking the changes made to your document select the Review Ribbon and click once on the Track Changes button.
Track Changes is now turned on.
From this point on, Microsoft Word will store your edits which you can then review later.
As an example, if I was tracking the changes to the above text and I deleted the word Ribbon and typed the word Tab instead, I would see a red strike through the word Ribbon and a red underline on the word Tab.
Any word that gets deleted is formatted red and struck through.
Any word that gets inserted is formatted red with a red underline.
You will also see a black line on the left-hand margin to indicate that an edit has been made in that particular line of the document text.
Turn Off Track Changes: To turn off the track changes feature when you have finished editing your document simply click on the Track Changes button again.
Once Track Changes is turned off any edits that you make are not stored.
Accept or Reject Tracked Changes: If you select the Review Ribbon again, you will see the Final Showing Markup option displaying in the Tracking group.
Change this to Final and you will see how your document will look if you decide to accept all the edits that you made in your document.
If you change the option to Original, you will see how your document looked prior to any edits being made to it.
You can also sett the option to Original Showing Markup if you wish to observe the differences from that view point.
Once you have checked how your document looks using the Final option, if you are 100% happy with the edits you can accept the changes one at a time by selecting the Review Ribbon / Accept option from the Changes group.
If you would like to accept all changes in one go, simply click once on the drop-down arrow head under the Accept button and select the Accept All Changes in Document option.
Similarly if you wish to reject the changes one at a time click the Reject button, or to reject all changes click once on the drop-down arrow head under the Reject button and select the Reject All Changes in Document option.
You will probably find that accepting or rejecting changes one at a time is a better option as this will allow you to decide on whether you prefer the original text or the subsequent edit on a per edit basis rather than a global accept all or reject all basis.
Important: If you do not Accept or Reject the edits, the changes stay stored in your document.
This can lead to possible annoyance or indeed embarrassment if you later email the document on to someone else as they would be able to compare your original to final edit and observe the edits between the two versions.
Check to Insure Stored Edits Have Been Removed: If you wish to insure that all stored edits have been removed from your document you could go to the Review Ribbon and select the Original and the Final options as before and see if there is any difference.
You could also select the Accept All Changes in Document or Reject All Changes in Document also.
A better method would be to use the Office Button / Prepare / Inspect Document feature.
Once selected make sure the options to check for Comments, Revisions, Versions, and Annotations is on and then click the Inspect button.
If the results show *Revision Marks, there are still stored edits in your document that have not yet been accepted or rejected.
Keyboard Shortcuts: To turn on or turn off Track Changes - Ctrl + Shift + e To Accept the change and move to the next edit - Alt / r / a / m To Reject the change and move to the next edit - Alt / r / j / m
In this tutorial I will show you how to turn on and turn off Track Changes, and also how to accept or reject the changes made.
Turn On Track Changes: When you wish to start tracking the changes made to your document select the Review Ribbon and click once on the Track Changes button.
Track Changes is now turned on.
From this point on, Microsoft Word will store your edits which you can then review later.
As an example, if I was tracking the changes to the above text and I deleted the word Ribbon and typed the word Tab instead, I would see a red strike through the word Ribbon and a red underline on the word Tab.
Any word that gets deleted is formatted red and struck through.
Any word that gets inserted is formatted red with a red underline.
You will also see a black line on the left-hand margin to indicate that an edit has been made in that particular line of the document text.
Turn Off Track Changes: To turn off the track changes feature when you have finished editing your document simply click on the Track Changes button again.
Once Track Changes is turned off any edits that you make are not stored.
Accept or Reject Tracked Changes: If you select the Review Ribbon again, you will see the Final Showing Markup option displaying in the Tracking group.
Change this to Final and you will see how your document will look if you decide to accept all the edits that you made in your document.
If you change the option to Original, you will see how your document looked prior to any edits being made to it.
You can also sett the option to Original Showing Markup if you wish to observe the differences from that view point.
Once you have checked how your document looks using the Final option, if you are 100% happy with the edits you can accept the changes one at a time by selecting the Review Ribbon / Accept option from the Changes group.
If you would like to accept all changes in one go, simply click once on the drop-down arrow head under the Accept button and select the Accept All Changes in Document option.
Similarly if you wish to reject the changes one at a time click the Reject button, or to reject all changes click once on the drop-down arrow head under the Reject button and select the Reject All Changes in Document option.
You will probably find that accepting or rejecting changes one at a time is a better option as this will allow you to decide on whether you prefer the original text or the subsequent edit on a per edit basis rather than a global accept all or reject all basis.
Important: If you do not Accept or Reject the edits, the changes stay stored in your document.
This can lead to possible annoyance or indeed embarrassment if you later email the document on to someone else as they would be able to compare your original to final edit and observe the edits between the two versions.
Check to Insure Stored Edits Have Been Removed: If you wish to insure that all stored edits have been removed from your document you could go to the Review Ribbon and select the Original and the Final options as before and see if there is any difference.
You could also select the Accept All Changes in Document or Reject All Changes in Document also.
A better method would be to use the Office Button / Prepare / Inspect Document feature.
Once selected make sure the options to check for Comments, Revisions, Versions, and Annotations is on and then click the Inspect button.
If the results show *Revision Marks, there are still stored edits in your document that have not yet been accepted or rejected.
Keyboard Shortcuts: To turn on or turn off Track Changes - Ctrl + Shift + e To Accept the change and move to the next edit - Alt / r / a / m To Reject the change and move to the next edit - Alt / r / j / m