The Main Causes of Yeast Infections in Men and Natural Remedy For Yeast Infection
Both men and women suffer with it equally.
The men engaged in homosexual activities are more prone to yeast infections.
Candida albicans as well as other kinds of yeast may develop in rectum or mouth.
Sometimes, yeast like other organisms which can't be called sexually transmitted infections, also grow in the body due to imbalance of body functions.
Infection is a common type of vaginal infection.
Sometimes yeast infections (YI) in men are observed from their sex partners.
YI in men occur due to various reasons.
If you know the primary cause of your yeast infection you can treat YI in more easy way.
This article is aimed to make you familiar with the prime causes and symptoms of it.
A woman suffering with this infection may transmit the infection to her sex partner especially during unprotected sexual intercourse.
Prolonged use of certain antiobiotics may cause yeast infection in penis because certain antiobiotics kill those bacteria also that control the formation of yeast Men suffering with diabetes are more prone to a YI.
Some men use nonoxynol-9 lubricated condoms.
Regular use of these condoms may develop infections.
To know the symptoms of infection is as important as is to know the causes of it.
Men suffering with yeast infection feel soreness and irritation at the head of penis.
Men suffering with it feel blisters and itchy reddish bumps on the head of penis.
Regular or frequent discharge of white secretion is also a common symptom of it.
A YI can also be detected by the smell of yeast.
Though there are various kinds of the over-the-counter medication available in the market but even then it is better consult your doctor.
Yeast infections in men reoccur, if these are not treated completely.
Reoccurrence of a YI may affect sexual life significantly.
It is said that prevention is always better than treatment.
Balance diet at right time, drinking water in adequate quantity, good sleep everyday and cleanliness of inner garments etc help you to keep yeast infection away.