Can Gas Be Shut off if There Are Children in the House?
- The Low-income Home Energy Assistance Program Clearinghouse (LIHEAP), provides links to each state detailing the provisions and regulations for the state utility companies. If you belong to a rural electric cooperative, these regulations may not apply. Check with your Public Utilities Commission or Public Services Commission for your state for additional information.
- Absolute bans on disconnecting utilities due to age alone are not common. More often, bans due to age alone are for senior citizens. Only three states currently have disconnection bans for children. Idaho has a disconnection ban for children under 18 years, Massachusetts for children under 1 year and Rhode Island for children under 2 years. Check your state by linking through the LIHEAP website for current information.
- Many states with extreme weather have bans on disconnection, depending on the date and temperature. Typical ranges for bans are below 32 or above 95 degrees Fahrenheit. More commonly states will have bans in winter months, but some have both winter and summer bans. Some states have no policy on seasonal or temperature disconnection bans.
- If your household has a seriously ill or disabled member, some states have absolute bans for disconnection. States with a medical program will require certification from a doctor to be eligible. If you are on public assistance, unemployed or below the poverty level, you may be eligible for a disconnection ban from your utility company. Some utility companies require a payment plan before agreeing not to disconnect gas or electric.
State by State Information
Bans on Disconnection
Seasonal Bans on Disconnection
Illness, Disability and Hardship