How to Create an Invoice With a Spreadsheet
- 1). Open a blank spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel or another similar program.
- 2). Type the names of the fields that the invoice will need in the first row of the spreadsheet. Suggested fields for an invoice include the items' names in Column A, the items' descriptions in Column B, the quantity in Column C, the date purchased in Column D, the price per item in Column E and the total price in Column F.
- 3). Click on the number "1" to select the entire first row. Click on the "B" on the toolbar at the top of the spreadsheet. This will bold the field titles and a viewer will see, at a glance, that these entries provide the titles for the data in the rest of the column.
- 4). Click on the number "1" to select the entire first row. Click "window" on the toolbar at the top of the spreadsheet. Click "freeze" to freeze the first row of field titles. As the user scrolls down the spreadsheet and as he adds information into succeeding rows, the top row with the field titles will always remain visable to guide the user.
- 5). Enter the invoice information into the spreadsheet. Each row should contain information about a separate purchase or charge. The spreadsheet user should place each detail about a purchase or charge in the appropriate column. For instance, if a customer bought six scarves, three large scarves for $2 each and three small scarves for $1 each, the purchase would necessitate two rows on the spreadsheet invoice. On one row, the spreadsheet user would indicate that the customer bought three large scarfs for $2 each, with the sum total adding up to $6. On the following row, the user would indicate that the customer bought three small scarves for $1 each, with the sum total adding up to $3.
- 6). Present the invoice to the customer or client when the supplier expects payment. Total the last column to arrive at the total amount for payment. To total the entire column, select the first empty cell below the list of final charges. Click on the AutoSum icon (two open triangles, one on top of the other which open to the right) and then press "enter" to receive the final total.