Make the First Move to Get Your Ex Back
And I have seen this happen a lot.
Most of the times, they even regret the breakup and keep thinking about their ex.
But, they still don't make a move and let things drift between them, waiting for the other one to make their move first.
This happens for a lot of different reasons.
The number one reason is feeling hurt, i.
if they were the one who was dumped.
They think, why should I make the first move, it was the ex's fault and they should apologize for dumping them.
The second reason is that they think that if they make a move, then their ex will reject and ridicule them.
Then there are a few people who believe that the breakup was supposed to happen and that they should accept the will of God.
I believe that most of these beliefs are just a bunch of crap and therefore it's really silly to start believing them.
I know you are feeling hurt, but there's no way I am going to believe that two people in a long term relationship, don't feel anything for each other after a breakup.
It is natural to start missing the other person, your ex even if you were the one who dumped them and it is also completely reasonable if you don't want to make the first move to get back.
But, think about it? Would you rather be with your lover or will you rather listen to your inflated ego, which says that your ex should make the first move to reconcile.
Letting someone you love, get away from you just because you are scared of them rejecting you is just downright silly and I can assure you that you will regret it later on.
Life is difficult as it is, without you having to make things more difficult.
There are chances that they might reject you, but do you want to spend the rest of your life thinking that things would have been different if you had tried.
Just imagine, how you would feel meeting your ex 20 or even 30 years from now and you realize that your ex had missed you and wanted you to come back.
Wouldn't you hate yourself then for not trying at all? I would have actually kicked myself if I was in your place.
So, please realize what you might be missing, just because you are afraid of making the first move.
don't waste your time thinking up excuses about why you should not do it.
Instead go ahead and just do it.
It is up to you now.
Its your life and you decide whether you want to live a life full of regret or a life full of love.
don't listen to the doubts popping up in your head.
The longer you wait, the more difficult it will seem.
That's all I have to say.
I hope you make the correct choice.