Methods to Fast Muscle Recovery
- Contrary to some people's beliefs, working out more does not guarantee bigger muscle growth. In fact, muscle growth and recovery can require less working out. Increasing muscle size involves tearing muscle fibers. During rest, these fibers repair and become bigger and stronger. It is recommended that you get at least 24 to 48 hours of rest between heavy workouts of major muscle groups. Not resting can continue muscle soreness because fibers are being torn constantly. The rest should include at least seven hours of sleep per night, according to the Build-Muscle-Gain-Weight website. Bodybuilders should get eight or nine hours of sleep per night.
- Diet and nutrition are also important factors in muscle recovery. During rest, your body needs glycogen to repair and rebuild stronger muscle tissue. Glycogen comes from sources such as carbohydrates and sugars. By choosing complex carbohydrates, such as whole wheat pasta, and natural sugars, such as glucose, you can worry less about building muscle and fat at the same time. Protein is also essential. For faster recovery, eat within a half hour of working out because your enzymes are hard at work trying to rebuild. Keep your glycogen levels constant by eating five or six small meals a day. Be sure to have a good breakfast because your body hasn't had a fuel supply for eight hours.
- Some supplements can help speed up muscle recovery. Creatine is a naturally produced metabolite that is an energy storage supply for the body's muscles. It also comes in supplemental forms, such as powders and shakes. By taking creatine supplements after workouts, you can supply energy to your muscles for faster recovery. Glutamine is an amino acid that is also naturally produced. It is stored within muscle tissues. It, too, is available in supplemental form. It is suggested that glutamine be taken before and after training and before you go to sleep. Phosphatidylserine is a supplement that helps break down cortisol, a stress hormone that is released during muscle training. If cortisol stays in the muscles for too long after a workout, it begins to cannibalize muscle tissues, preventing proper rest and recovery.
Rest and Sleep
Diet and Nutrition