How to Make a Logo in Fireworks
- 1). Launch the Fireworks application and open a new document (Ctrl+N). The New Document dialog box will appear. In the Width text box, type 600 and ensure the dimension is in pixels. Type 600 in the Height text box and make the accompanying dimension pixels. The Canvas Color section should have the White radio button set. Click "OK." A blank document page will appear.
- 2). Click "Text" from the main menu and then select "Font" from the resulting drop-down menu. Finally, select "Bernard Condensed" from the selection menu.
- 3). Select the Text tool from the Tools menu. The Properties panel will appear. Make the text size 40 and select white or a light color (click the color fill box on the right of the text font size and type "FFFFFF") in the text entry field that appears. In the stroke color box, click and select black (type "000000"). This is the outline of the text. With the Text tool selected, type the word "LOGO". You can always change the style and size later. Experiment with the color; it should be a darker shade if your background is light.
- 4). Select the Pen tool from the Tools menu bar and draw two overlapping triangles, one blue and one orange. Do this by clicking three separate points on your canvas to create a triangle. Choose a brilliant fill color from the fill box in the Properties panel. You can alter the shape of the images by selecting the Subselection tool. (It's the white arrow next to the Pointer tool on the Tools menu bar.) Use this to change the shapes by dragging any of the intersections while holding down the mouse button.
- 5). Select the Rounded Rectangle tool from the Tools menu and draw a square partially covering the entire design. Choose a fill color for the square by clicking on the fill box in the Properties panel and selecting a medium-blue shade. Click "Modify," "Arrange" and finally "Send to Back" from the main menu. Your logo and design now sit on top of the blue rounded square.
- 6). Resize the text logo and the image to whatever dimensions you need. Do this by clicking the Pointer tool and pressing Ctrl+A and then Ctrl+G. This selects the entire logo drawing and groups it as one image. Drag any of the corner points with your mouse to resize the drawing. Press Ctrl+Shift+G to ungroup the items if you want to make changes or include additional text.