Top Tip For Presbyopia
Presbyopia happens mainly at more mature ages, such as after forty.
I am sure you have observed your grandma having difficulty reading the newspaper, and need to hold the newspaper at a distance to focus the words properly.
This is presbyopia, or more commonly known as far sightedness or long sightedness.
This is especially inconvenient for avid readers, as they will now need corrective glasses to read a book.
However, what is also common is the presence of myopia together with presbyopia.
Myopia can happen at any age, and is usually caused by excessive strain on the eyes, or bad eye habits.
Most of the sufferers will use bifocal lenses to correct their vision.
The bifocal lenses have two different lenses molded into one, where they can now see near and far objects equally well.
The issues with bifocal lens are many.
The first is with regards to aesthetics.
As people who develop presbyopia are usually those in their forties or beyond, wearing bifocal lens can really give their ages away.
Bifocal lens also do not offer smooth transition in images when going from one lens to another.
The top tip I have for you is to go for progressive lenses, which look just like normal glasses, and give smoother transitions from the top to the bottom of the lenses.
The best advice is still to get rid of your glasses, and seek to regain your natural perfect eye sight.
I have thrown away my glasses several years back, and was thankful that I am saved from a lifetime of eye wear inconveniences and costs.
I now have perfect vision in my right eye, and near perfect in my left.
I have searched for natural ways to improve my vision, and have found one that actually works for me.
Do check out the scientifically proven, natural and easy way to improve your vision, without burning a hole in your pocket.
I am sure you have observed your grandma having difficulty reading the newspaper, and need to hold the newspaper at a distance to focus the words properly.
This is presbyopia, or more commonly known as far sightedness or long sightedness.
This is especially inconvenient for avid readers, as they will now need corrective glasses to read a book.
However, what is also common is the presence of myopia together with presbyopia.
Myopia can happen at any age, and is usually caused by excessive strain on the eyes, or bad eye habits.
Most of the sufferers will use bifocal lenses to correct their vision.
The bifocal lenses have two different lenses molded into one, where they can now see near and far objects equally well.
The issues with bifocal lens are many.
The first is with regards to aesthetics.
As people who develop presbyopia are usually those in their forties or beyond, wearing bifocal lens can really give their ages away.
Bifocal lens also do not offer smooth transition in images when going from one lens to another.
The top tip I have for you is to go for progressive lenses, which look just like normal glasses, and give smoother transitions from the top to the bottom of the lenses.
The best advice is still to get rid of your glasses, and seek to regain your natural perfect eye sight.
I have thrown away my glasses several years back, and was thankful that I am saved from a lifetime of eye wear inconveniences and costs.
I now have perfect vision in my right eye, and near perfect in my left.
I have searched for natural ways to improve my vision, and have found one that actually works for me.
Do check out the scientifically proven, natural and easy way to improve your vision, without burning a hole in your pocket.