How to Get Rid of an Opossum Inside a Home
- 1). Find where the opossum is living in the attic. Go into the attic and look for nest areas made of shredded, balled-up pieces of insulation. Observe the area for feces, which will be about the same size as that of a dog.
- 2). Set up a live trap in the area of opossum activity. Open the trap door and bait the trap with cooked meat and some wet cat food. Turn off any lights and leave the attic. Wait until morning to check the trap. Live traps can be purchased through hunting supply retail stores. If you do not wish to buy a trap, you may be able to borrow one from your local animal control department. Some animal shelters have traps for trapping feral animals and might let you borrow one, as well.
- 3). Check the trap for any caught opossums. Observe the trap at regular intervals every few hours -- you don't want to leave a caught opossum inside the trap any longer than you need to.
- 4). Put on a pair of work gloves. Pick up the trap and place it in your car for transport. Set the trap on top of an old towel or tarp, as the opossum is likely to defecate while in the trap. Be careful when you reach for the trap's handle, as the opossum may try to bit you through the metal bars. Release the opossum in a forest, natural park, or wooded area far from your house.
- 5). Inspect the outside of your attic and repair and holes or damaged the opossum's caused. Look for cracks or holes in the eaves under the roof overhang.