Forex Signals - The Easy Way to Make Money in Forex Trading
This article is about how forex signals can help you make money in forex trading. If you have recently started trading forex and you are anything like I was when I was starting out, you are probably feeling a little overwhelmed by all the information out there. I remember when I started trading forex years ago. I thought I was going to be a millionaire overnight! What made me think that was that I actually got of to a great start. I made several hundred dollars in my first trading sessin, so naturally I thought I was some kind of forex trading genius! Not so. Over the next days I lost that money and more. Then I decided to get serious and actually learn how to trade forex.
I then shifted my attention to forex systems, forex signals and forex robots. Let's start with the last one's. It took me 3 robots and almost $500 to realize most of them are pure crap, yes it's that simple. There are a few that have worked, but most robots can't trade better than a chimp with a dartboard. The chimp is going to make some succesful trades as well, but I'm not going to make him my money manager!
Forex systems and forez signals was what got me going in the right direction at last. A forex system is a set of strategies that you use to trade the forex market. It's comparable to the gamelan in sports, or it's more like the macro level of things. Forex signals are often, but not always, part of a forex system. They're the individual plays that the coach calls in a game, or the micro level. A signal is a message you receive on email, sms or online to buy or sell a currency pair. The signal will tell you what, when and for how long to hold a position. It's very easy really. I only use signal services that are part of a major system.
My personal favorite is the former top trader Thomas Strigano's Forex Confidante []. It's a forex system and forex signal service, where you learn to do some very powerful checks that you do, on top of the signals. Check it out by clicking the link. Or find out who I think is the best forex brokers [].
I then shifted my attention to forex systems, forex signals and forex robots. Let's start with the last one's. It took me 3 robots and almost $500 to realize most of them are pure crap, yes it's that simple. There are a few that have worked, but most robots can't trade better than a chimp with a dartboard. The chimp is going to make some succesful trades as well, but I'm not going to make him my money manager!
Forex systems and forez signals was what got me going in the right direction at last. A forex system is a set of strategies that you use to trade the forex market. It's comparable to the gamelan in sports, or it's more like the macro level of things. Forex signals are often, but not always, part of a forex system. They're the individual plays that the coach calls in a game, or the micro level. A signal is a message you receive on email, sms or online to buy or sell a currency pair. The signal will tell you what, when and for how long to hold a position. It's very easy really. I only use signal services that are part of a major system.
My personal favorite is the former top trader Thomas Strigano's Forex Confidante []. It's a forex system and forex signal service, where you learn to do some very powerful checks that you do, on top of the signals. Check it out by clicking the link. Or find out who I think is the best forex brokers [].