Home Insect-Repellent Remedies for Small Black Bugs
- Earwigs are easily recognized by the pincers on their abdomens. These insects are light brown or black in color and may be winged or wingless. Earwigs are often found hiding in laundry hampers, along baseboards, underneath cabinets, in luggage and in bathrooms. These pests are usually seen at night, when they are most active. According to Oregon State University, earwigs are attracted to fish oil. Pour fish oil into a shallow container and place it where earwigs are usually seen. The earwigs will crawl into the oil and die. Fish-oil remedies can also be used outdoors when earwigs are feeding on garden plants. Place the container of fish oil near infested plants and cover the edges of the container with mulch for best results. Check daily for earwigs and replace fish oil as necessary for continued control.
- Ants are often seen indoors around kitchen sinks, bathrooms and in window sills. Black ants are attracted to food bits, sugar and pet food. Controlling ant infestations indoors can be accomplished with the use of peppermint oil. Combine 1 part peppermint oil with 10 parts water -- and spray it along your baseboards or anywhere small black ants are visible. Soaking cotton balls in peppermint oil is a way to wipe up ants from counter tops and window sills, as well.
- Houseplants are often infested with insects such as aphids. These pests feed on the foliage of houseplants and cause reduced vigor and feeding injuries. Aphids can be a variety of colors including brown, black, green or red. Houseplants with aphid infestations typically have aphids on the undersides of plant leaves, where they feed on plant sap. Homemade soap solutions can kill aphids and keep them under control on houseplants. Combine 1 gallon of water and 3 tbsp. of liquid dish detergent in a spray bottle. Spray on the infested plant, concentrating on the undersides of plant leaves. Thoroughly saturate the leaves with the soap solution; allow the solution to stay on the plant for a few hours, then rinse it away. Repeat applications every five to six days for best results.
- Tiny black bugs on your houseplant leaves may be spider mites. These are very tiny pests that have eight legs and are black, brown or green in color. Spider-mite feeding can cause significant damage to houseplants, and heavy infestations can kill plants. However, light infestations of spider mites can be reduced by using rubbing alcohol. Place rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab or cotton ball and rub along plant leaves where mites are visible. Leave the alcohol on plant leaves for two hours, then rinse with water. Repeat alcohol remedy every few weeks until optimal control is achieved.
Spider Mites