Why High Blood Pressure?
When confronted with illness or being told that you have something wrong with your health, your first response is generally "why me"? Lifestyles may be the reason that high blood pressure has become one of the most common complaints world wide.
Why high blood pressure you ask? Due to the fact that the way you care for yourself has deteriorated over recent years is usually the main reason.
Although high blood pressure could be a medical condition in your family genes and has been passed through generations, generally your health is deteriorating because your smoking has increased; you are consuming more alcohol and dependent on convenience, processed foods.
Everyone is aware of the damage that smoking and alcohol can cause to their bodies.
But what we are not made fully aware of is the damage that processed food can inflict upon us.
Most processed foods are high in saturated fat, sodium and sugar.
The reason for this is that all unhealthy fats are cheap; sodium prolongs the shelf life of convenience foods and sugar is a cheap alternative to enhance the flavour of processed foods.
So the reason we are not made publicly aware of the damage convenience foods can do to our health is one of money.
Consequently, this route of all evil is one of the main reasons why high blood pressure has reached epidemic proportions throughout the world today.
Everyone is too preoccupied adding to their bank accounts that they do not have time to visit their doctor or eat sensibly.
Food manufacturers are producing convenience meals to reduce the time you need to spend in the kitchen on food preparation.
In short these meals you are dependent upon are packaged with damaging ingredients to enhance their shelf life at the same time destroying yours! As a result, it is hardly surprising that more people are dying of heart disease, strokes and kidney failure.
Since the main reason many of us become victims of these illnesses is due to high blood pressure.
What is the point of having a healthy bank balance, a spotless home and a gleaming car if your health is deteriorating? Your health is the most important thing in your life at this moment and you should begin to respect it while you still have a life to live!
Why high blood pressure you ask? Due to the fact that the way you care for yourself has deteriorated over recent years is usually the main reason.
Although high blood pressure could be a medical condition in your family genes and has been passed through generations, generally your health is deteriorating because your smoking has increased; you are consuming more alcohol and dependent on convenience, processed foods.
Everyone is aware of the damage that smoking and alcohol can cause to their bodies.
But what we are not made fully aware of is the damage that processed food can inflict upon us.
Most processed foods are high in saturated fat, sodium and sugar.
The reason for this is that all unhealthy fats are cheap; sodium prolongs the shelf life of convenience foods and sugar is a cheap alternative to enhance the flavour of processed foods.
So the reason we are not made publicly aware of the damage convenience foods can do to our health is one of money.
Consequently, this route of all evil is one of the main reasons why high blood pressure has reached epidemic proportions throughout the world today.
Everyone is too preoccupied adding to their bank accounts that they do not have time to visit their doctor or eat sensibly.
Food manufacturers are producing convenience meals to reduce the time you need to spend in the kitchen on food preparation.
In short these meals you are dependent upon are packaged with damaging ingredients to enhance their shelf life at the same time destroying yours! As a result, it is hardly surprising that more people are dying of heart disease, strokes and kidney failure.
Since the main reason many of us become victims of these illnesses is due to high blood pressure.
What is the point of having a healthy bank balance, a spotless home and a gleaming car if your health is deteriorating? Your health is the most important thing in your life at this moment and you should begin to respect it while you still have a life to live!