Psoriasis Free For Life - Introduction
As many will know through their own suffering or that of a friend, psoriasis is a skin disease, sufferers usually display red scaly patches on their skin and have to repeatedly endure intense itchiness and silvery scales.
Although it could potentially affect virtually any part of the body, it is most commonly found around the knees, elbows and scalp.
One positive is that psoriasis is not contagious, unfortunately that is of little consolation to the many sufferers, as the embarrassment and social stigma caused by the skin condition can be so overwhelming that it erodes the confidence to wear simple garments like shorts, t-shirts and bikinis often reducing the enjoyment of the summer months - resorting to covering up with extra clothes, which results in increased sweatiness and inevitably increased itchiness, which unfortunately exacerbates the condition! Psoriasis Free For Life aims to change all that.
You've been to the doctors, the dermatologists and all manner of specialists, probably used a variety of conventional medicines to help in the treatment of psoriasis, whatever these methods of medicine be it creams, injections, ointments, pills or UV irradiation, unfortunately not all methods work for everyone, and if they do work, the degree to which they do varies greatly, and that is where Psoriasis Free For Life comes into play, assessing the root cause of psoriasis to be more of an immune system disease as opposed to merely a skin disease.
There is more than one natural remedy for psoriasis, and Katy Wilson the woman behind Psoriasis Free for Life, who suffered this confidence sapping disease, shares her story and explains how she got rid of psoriasis forever - giving her body's immune system enough fight to deliver the knock out blow in her long running battle with psoriasis.
Although it could potentially affect virtually any part of the body, it is most commonly found around the knees, elbows and scalp.
One positive is that psoriasis is not contagious, unfortunately that is of little consolation to the many sufferers, as the embarrassment and social stigma caused by the skin condition can be so overwhelming that it erodes the confidence to wear simple garments like shorts, t-shirts and bikinis often reducing the enjoyment of the summer months - resorting to covering up with extra clothes, which results in increased sweatiness and inevitably increased itchiness, which unfortunately exacerbates the condition! Psoriasis Free For Life aims to change all that.
You've been to the doctors, the dermatologists and all manner of specialists, probably used a variety of conventional medicines to help in the treatment of psoriasis, whatever these methods of medicine be it creams, injections, ointments, pills or UV irradiation, unfortunately not all methods work for everyone, and if they do work, the degree to which they do varies greatly, and that is where Psoriasis Free For Life comes into play, assessing the root cause of psoriasis to be more of an immune system disease as opposed to merely a skin disease.
There is more than one natural remedy for psoriasis, and Katy Wilson the woman behind Psoriasis Free for Life, who suffered this confidence sapping disease, shares her story and explains how she got rid of psoriasis forever - giving her body's immune system enough fight to deliver the knock out blow in her long running battle with psoriasis.