Binge Eating And Its Negative Affects
A normal diet consists of 1,500-3,000 calories per day. A binge diet can consist of 10,000-20,000 calories per day. Unless you exercise as much as Michael Phelps you should be nowhere near 10,000 calories per day. Eating this many calories per day can lead to gaining weight extremely quickly which can do a lot of damage to your organs, especially your heart. Typically binges do not last all day. In reality, they typically last about 2 hours. But just take a look at how many calories you can consume on a typical day binge eating is involved. Here are some behavioral and emotional signs and symptoms of binge eating:
1)Eating large amounts of food
2)Eating even when you're full
3)Eating rapidly during binge episodes
4)Feeling that your eating behavior is out of control
7)Frequent dieting without weight loss
8)Frequently eating alone
9)Hoarding food
10)Hiding empty food containers
11)Feeling depressed, disgusted or upset about your eating
12)No one knows what exactly causes a binge eating disorder but some factors include:
Biological. Biological vulnerability may play a role in developing binge-eating disorder. Both genes and brain chemicals may be involved. In addition, researchers are studying appetite regulation of the central nervous system for clues, along with gastrointestinal changes that might shed light on causes.
Psychological. Psychological and emotional characteristics may also contribute to the condition. You may have low self-worth and trouble controlling impulsive behaviors, managing moods or expressing anger.
Sociocultural. Modern Western culture often cultivates and reinforces a desire for thinness. Although most people who have binge-eating disorder are overweight, they're acutely aware of their body shape and appearance and berate themselves after eating binges. Some people with binge-eating disorder have a history of being sexually abused. If you suffer from binge eating and find you can't control it I strongly urge you seek medical advice. This can lead to serious health conditions if it isn't treated which includes high blood pressure, gastrointestinal problems, anxiety, heart disease, stroke, and many other conditions.