The Modern Woman - Hard, Cold and Arrogant Vs The Real Women of 30 Years Ago

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I remember back when women were really women, not just men with boobs and a butt like they are today.
They had loving affectionate personalities and would do anything to please their guy.
They loved to take care of their guy.
They found it exciting to cook for him and watch his eyes light up when he tasted her food.
They enjoyed scratching his back, patching up his wounds, massaging his sore muscles and just snuggling up close to him everywhere they went.
They were hand holders, and they loved having theirs arms around each other.
They loved to sit close to each other and talk sweet words into each others ears.
To all you cold hearted modern women out there this is called love and togetherness.
It's also called mutual respect, admiration, dedication, affection, caring, compassion, and real marriage.
You can look that up in the dictionary to find out what it means.
It's also known as going that extra mile for the one you love.
That's back when loving someone was shown in your actions not just a bunch of lifeless dead words.
These were girls that stood by their man and were loyal and dedicated to one man.
They were known as one man women.
There was none of this male friend BS that goes on today and this hanging out with other guys under the smoke screen of being just friends.
A real woman with a man that she loves doesn't want to hang out with male friends, and I do remember how it was.
This was unacceptable in relationships and it's unacceptable today and shouldn't be tolerated in any relationship.
I won't tolerate it in mine.
Why because it's morally wrong for one thing and because Two is Company and Three is A Crowd, there's only room for one cock of the walk in a marriage and only room for one Princess and this is one area where we men don't share in.
These women had their man and in their eyes he was all they wanted and needed.
They wanted to be by his side every moment that they could and they were happy and thrilled with that.
These women were the bond that held that relationship together, they were the peace makers.
The bible tells you to follow after the things that make for peace.
They got married to start a family and have kids, not like today where they go out and have kids and then try to find a daddy for them.
There was none of that baby daddy crap back then.
It was real women with real husbands and real kids, not women with 3 or 4 kids and with 3 or 4 different daddies.
So lets fast forward about 30 or 40 years and now we find the new age modern woman.
They are cold hearted, hard hearted, arrogant, hateful and bossy and they have to have their way.
Pause here for a minute.
Now I know there are still some good women out there I just haven't met any of them yet.
And they know who they are and their man knows who they are When the modern woman's man is hungry, they point him to the refrigerator, if he's wounded they tell him where the band aids and peroxide are, if his muscles hurt from working they tell to him bring home some bengay, if his back itches they tell him to rub it against the door post and when he needs affection and this is quite often for normal men, and I did say affection not just sex, they are too busy for him.
The real women were always ready for action; they were ready to go places with their man.
It didn't matter where they went as long as they were together, in fact she would be heart broken if she didn't get to go.
Even if he was working on a greasy old car she would be right there with him, handing him wrenches and at the least she would be close by and check on him from time to time.
She would check every so often to see if wanted a drink and that he was ok.
What's that you say, the real women were weak? Not on your life, real women were just that, they were real women, they were anything but weak.
It takes a strong woman to hold a relationship together and be loving and affectionate and genuine.
This is called togetherness, that doesn't exist in the modern woman's vocabulary.
Yes please look it up in your Webster's, or you can Google the definition.
Any woman can be arrogant, cold and bossy that takes no strength, modern women are weak, they have nothing to offer but mouths with bad attitudes when it comes to their men oh and don't forget the lame excuses.
Women today tell their men to go places by themselves because they don't feel like going; they are too lazy to get off their butt and out that recliner.
They will be on the phone or go off somewhere if he is working on the car so they won't have to be around it.
As far as him getting thirsty in the heat he can get his own water.
There's no love and affection in the women of today, they are not considerate of their men at all.
What? Yes I know modern men may be as bad, but I write for a men's blog so I'm writing from a mans point of view.
When asked if they love their man, they will say yes I love him.
But that is only lip service.
If they love their man it will show in their actions, not just their words.
Remember words without actions are dead.
And sex once or twice a month if that much is not acceptable either.
That kind of sex is just going through the motions.
There's no life in it at all let alone any love.
I mean a man can get that kind of sex without being married.
He can get laid that much and get treated better with out being tied down to the old ball and chain, of a modern woman and no I'm not condoning unmarried sex.
I have watched and interacted with these women for the last 30 years and there is no comparison between what a woman is suppose to be like and what many of them actually act like today.
It's a no contest between the women of years gone by and the cold rebellious attitudes of the modern women.
If all I can get is one of those hateful, unfeeling, no affection modern women, I will just stay single.
The sad thing is that many of those loving women from years past have been converted into these modern monsters because of neglect and abuse they encountered in their past.
The modern woman or as I just coined the new phrase for the first time, The modern Monster is like hanging out with one of the guys, not a sweet smelling feminine lady.
Now! There's going to be modern women reading this article and they will be mad about it.
But there also will be some of the last real women left in this world that will read it and they will understand what I mean.
If you're old enough to have ever known any of them, they are the ones that still have a heart.
This article is written for all the men stuck in a relationship with one of these bloated egoed, bossy, unaffectionate vampiristic guy women that we have in the world today, and for all the men still trying to choose a woman, to help them from falling into the trap of one of these modern day monsters.
I fell into the modern day monster trap before and I just want to help others to not fall prey to these night bats and all the misery that they bring with them as I did.
Guys if you're stuck with one of these old bitties get rid of them.
If you're dating one these sad creatures get away from them.
Throw the leach back and catch a real fish.
If you are in the market for a real woman don't settle for less than the best.
If she constantly has an excuse for everything you want to do, kick her to the curb and find a real woman with a real heart and a real personality.
Look for that lady with the personality and mannerisms of a teddy bear not a grizzly bear.
Find a woman with a gentle, humble spirit and you will have a gem in your relationship.
And no to all you modern women, a woman with a humble spirit is not weak, she is strong, stronger than you will ever live to be and she don't have to have the personality of a rock or mannerisms of a crocodile to be strong.
Remember guys having the wrong woman is much worse than having no woman.
You can be lonely and miserable by yourself, you don't need the wrong woman to bring that into your life for you.
Because the modern woman is so busy talking about and trying to justify her rights she's virtually useless as a wife.
She's so hung up on herself and being a big shot with her look at me and what I can do attitude that she just runs over her man or around him instead of running to him like a real woman would.
Last word guys go for the butterfly and leave the rattle snakes and scorpions to themselves and you will have a relationship that brings you happiness.
You will have a relationship that the majority of the men in the world can only dream of.
Remember that Misery Loves Company.
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