How to Make People Like You Even If They Don't Want to
- 1). Act down to earth. Don't talk down to people. Make them think you're for them not against them.
- 2). Always smile and say Hi or Good Morning. If you've already greeted them for the day smile when you pass them.
- 3). Complement them a lot. Never talk about people bad. If you do people will think you do that to them and not trust you. Bring them small gifts to let them know you like them.
- 4). Always be polite and positive. Act like you're in a good mood even when you're not. If you're not in a good mood and can't fake it just stay quiet until you get over your bad mood.
- 5). Act confident whether you are or not. People will respect you more. Don't show your emotions. Give your poker face even when the world is falling down around you. People respect people who can hold it together.