Curing the Migraine with Ayurveda and Yoga
The pain generally starts in the brow, the side of the head or around the eyes and slowly deteriorates.The migraine can keep going for two hours or even up to a few days. One may experience deadness or shivering in the hand, tongue, or side of the face. Numerous researchers think that migraine is a vascular problem brought on by a tightening and sudden widening of the veins in the head, neck, or scalp. Others accept that a strange arrival of neuro-chemicals in the mind, for example, serotonin or noradrenaline may cause the throbbing torment of headache. Change in climate conditions, missing the meal, anxiety, liquor and some other certain foods are thought to be normal causes of migraine.
Ill-advised eating regimen and way of life reasons exacerbation of Pitta in the body. In an exasperated state, Pitta debilitates processing, prompting creation of digestive contaminations. This ama gets put away in the manovahi strotas (brain channels), consequently turning into the foundation for torments in headache. A delicate sensory system brings down the ojas (vitality) in the body. Ojas is the pith of all body tissues and gives quality to the sensory system and body. In the event that you have a solid sensory system, you have the capacity battle against issues and continue with your work with a sound personality. Bringing down of ojas reasons headache like issues.
"Ayurvedic treatment of migraine is focused on the assuagement of Pitta Dosha, and rebuilding of digestive capacity in the body. Nervine tonics are likewise suggested to upgrade the ojas, unwind the brain and offer quality to the sensory system." Acharya BalKrishna, the Co-founder of Patanjali Yogpeeth.
Stay away from spicy and hot food, stale food, white sugar, flour items, and sharp or citrus fruits as they exasperate the Pitta in your body. Drink more water and consume more fiber, drink coconut water, eat green and leafy vegetables and whole wheat flour not the refined flour. Excessive use of red meat further aggravate the problems. Moreover, also control the intake of sugar, salt, tea, coffee and junk and fried food. Avoid direct sun heat in summers and take short breaks while working on the computers or watching the TV.
Massage your head with amla oil in summers and almond oil in winters before going to sleep. This will also help in reducing the stress and in nourishing the scalp as dry scalp is a reason of various problems. Cerebral pain occurs because of mental pressure and stress, therefore Pranayam other yogic exercises are very effective in curing the annoying migraine. Profound breathing and unwinding, particularly in a resting position is the easiest way to calm oneself. Transformed postures, or those where the head is brought down quickly, build oxygen to the mind and can lessen migraine creating strain. On the off chance that there is a blazing sensation, apply a glue of ground mud or sandalwood powder blended with rose water.
At the point when the migraine is because of excited sinuses, breathe in steam with vinegar added to the water. Blend ¼ teaspoon of clove powder with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon oil. Apply this glue on the influenced range for 20-30 minutes. Ayurvedic treatments, known as Panchakarma, are additionally viable in treating Migraine torments. Nasya and Shriodhara are particularly exceptionally prescribed to such patients.