5 Myths About Beer!
The common "beer belly" is evidence enough that consuming beer makes a person fat, right? The following article hopes to shed light on the common myths surrounding the consumption of beer.
Myth No 1: Beer is fattening! The fact is that beer is, in comparison to other alcoholic drinks, actually lower in calories.
One of the unfortunate side effects of consuming any alcohol, including beer, is that it gives a person an appetite, and therefore this induces a person to eat after consuming a certain amount of alcohol.
This added calorie consumption is probably what goes a long way to making a person fat.
Of course if you do happen to consume a vast amount of beer on a regular basis, then this will also produce more calories than the body is able to naturally burn off.
Myth No 2: Beer is very gassy and makes the consumer bloated! It has to be said that lager does contain a large amount of carbon dioxide in order to give it the fizzy, gassy element.
As lager is arguably the world's favourite drink, it is not surprising that a large amount of consumers report symptoms of feeling bloated.
However, cask ales and a lot of non lager bottled beer actually contain significantly less carbon dioxide, which therefore makes them a lot less gassy.
Myth No 3: Beer contains chemicals and additives! In fact the only notable chemical is H2O for 99.
9% of all beers.
Beer has a basic consistency of Grains and hops, water and yeast.
Added chemicals are in the form of B vitamins and polyphenols, which are a natural antioxidant.
Myth No 4: Beer is not as good for you as wine! Wine it is said is good for the heart, which it is.
However there have been plenty of studies, establishing that in moderation, any alcohol is good for the heart.
Again taken in moderation, beer as with any alcohol can be a great stress reducer.
Beer itself is fat free and doesn't contain cholesterol.
Also the high levels of malted barley, a primary ingredient of certain beers, are rich sources of silicon, necessary for bone and connective tissue growth and development, and could help prevent osteoporosis.
Although this should in no way be taken to mean beer is a cure all, moderation is the key.
Myth No 5: Wine provides a better combination with food than beer! This may well be true for the wine connoisseur, however it really is down to taste and the following few examples show how well a good beer can complement certain meals: Bitter and pale ale; great with red meat, salty or nutty cheeses, granary bread as well as cold meats such as ham.
However, not so good with anything sweat, creamy, spicy or containing vinegar.
Lager: Goes very well with mildly spiced food, BBQ meat and tapas.
The curry combination is always a favourite.
Wheat beer: Is excellent with Thai food, sushi, salted meats as well as shellfish.
This is of course a very small selection of the many great varieties out there, and as you can see, there are probably as many compatible combinations as you would find with the more popular wines.
Hopefully this has gone some way towards igniting some interest in the many and varied quality beers, and the unfortunate myths associated with its consumption.
Myth No 1: Beer is fattening! The fact is that beer is, in comparison to other alcoholic drinks, actually lower in calories.
One of the unfortunate side effects of consuming any alcohol, including beer, is that it gives a person an appetite, and therefore this induces a person to eat after consuming a certain amount of alcohol.
This added calorie consumption is probably what goes a long way to making a person fat.
Of course if you do happen to consume a vast amount of beer on a regular basis, then this will also produce more calories than the body is able to naturally burn off.
Myth No 2: Beer is very gassy and makes the consumer bloated! It has to be said that lager does contain a large amount of carbon dioxide in order to give it the fizzy, gassy element.
As lager is arguably the world's favourite drink, it is not surprising that a large amount of consumers report symptoms of feeling bloated.
However, cask ales and a lot of non lager bottled beer actually contain significantly less carbon dioxide, which therefore makes them a lot less gassy.
Myth No 3: Beer contains chemicals and additives! In fact the only notable chemical is H2O for 99.
9% of all beers.
Beer has a basic consistency of Grains and hops, water and yeast.
Added chemicals are in the form of B vitamins and polyphenols, which are a natural antioxidant.
Myth No 4: Beer is not as good for you as wine! Wine it is said is good for the heart, which it is.
However there have been plenty of studies, establishing that in moderation, any alcohol is good for the heart.
Again taken in moderation, beer as with any alcohol can be a great stress reducer.
Beer itself is fat free and doesn't contain cholesterol.
Also the high levels of malted barley, a primary ingredient of certain beers, are rich sources of silicon, necessary for bone and connective tissue growth and development, and could help prevent osteoporosis.
Although this should in no way be taken to mean beer is a cure all, moderation is the key.
Myth No 5: Wine provides a better combination with food than beer! This may well be true for the wine connoisseur, however it really is down to taste and the following few examples show how well a good beer can complement certain meals: Bitter and pale ale; great with red meat, salty or nutty cheeses, granary bread as well as cold meats such as ham.
However, not so good with anything sweat, creamy, spicy or containing vinegar.
Lager: Goes very well with mildly spiced food, BBQ meat and tapas.
The curry combination is always a favourite.
Wheat beer: Is excellent with Thai food, sushi, salted meats as well as shellfish.
This is of course a very small selection of the many great varieties out there, and as you can see, there are probably as many compatible combinations as you would find with the more popular wines.
Hopefully this has gone some way towards igniting some interest in the many and varied quality beers, and the unfortunate myths associated with its consumption.