Remove PrivacyGuard Pro - A Simple Guide to Perform a PrivacyGuard Pro Removal
PrivacyGuardPro also called Privacy Guard Pro, or Privacy Guard Pro 2.
0, is a fake anti-spyware application.
It tricks users to purchase its full version by continuously popping up annoying and scary alerts, which suggests that the user's computer is infected with spyware applications.
PrivacyGuardPro gets installed by the Trojans that got through your system due to security lapses on your computer.
For example, you may receive it through spam emails, web browser security holes, downloading freeware and shareware, or by visiting questionable websites.
Rogue anti-spyware applications like PrivacyGuard Pro may add new desktop shortcuts and change the Internet settings of your computer.
They slow down the performance of your computer and can also steal your credit card information, social security, passwords, and other personal information stored on your computer.
It is therefore important to quickly remove PrivacyGuard Pro from your computer if it exists on your computer before you get trapped into identity theft.
Removing PrivacyGuard Pro The PrivacyGuard Pro can be removed either through a PrivacyGuard Pro removal tool or manually.
The steps to manually remove PrivacyGuad Pro are: 1.
Block PrivacyGuard Pro 2.
0 site 2.
Search Privacy Guard process file called privacyguardpro.
exe in the Processes tab of Task Manager and click End Process to kill the process.
Open the registry editor and any associated malware registry entries with the extensions: HKEY_USERS HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE HKEY_CURRENT_USER 4.
Right-click the entry and click the Delete option from the menu that appears to delete the registry entry.
Search and delete other PrivacyGuard Pro files through command prompt.
Using command prompt to delete files will allow you to view the hidden files also and delete them.
Remove the following dll files: (You can use regsvr32 /u to unregister the dlls and delete them).
dll oInfralution.
dll oInfralution.
dll oPrivacyGuard.
dll oSharpZipLib.
dll ouninstall.
exe Remove Privacy Guard the easy way If you try to remove PrivacyGuard Pro manually, you may get into the risk of damaging your computer.
There is also a possibility the virus is using different malicious files then those listed above.
Therefore it is recommended that you download and use a PrivacyGuard Pro removal tool to get rid of it.
0, is a fake anti-spyware application.
It tricks users to purchase its full version by continuously popping up annoying and scary alerts, which suggests that the user's computer is infected with spyware applications.
PrivacyGuardPro gets installed by the Trojans that got through your system due to security lapses on your computer.
For example, you may receive it through spam emails, web browser security holes, downloading freeware and shareware, or by visiting questionable websites.
Rogue anti-spyware applications like PrivacyGuard Pro may add new desktop shortcuts and change the Internet settings of your computer.
They slow down the performance of your computer and can also steal your credit card information, social security, passwords, and other personal information stored on your computer.
It is therefore important to quickly remove PrivacyGuard Pro from your computer if it exists on your computer before you get trapped into identity theft.
Removing PrivacyGuard Pro The PrivacyGuard Pro can be removed either through a PrivacyGuard Pro removal tool or manually.
The steps to manually remove PrivacyGuad Pro are: 1.
Block PrivacyGuard Pro 2.
0 site 2.
Search Privacy Guard process file called privacyguardpro.
exe in the Processes tab of Task Manager and click End Process to kill the process.
Open the registry editor and any associated malware registry entries with the extensions: HKEY_USERS HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE HKEY_CURRENT_USER 4.
Right-click the entry and click the Delete option from the menu that appears to delete the registry entry.
Search and delete other PrivacyGuard Pro files through command prompt.
Using command prompt to delete files will allow you to view the hidden files also and delete them.
Remove the following dll files: (You can use regsvr32 /u to unregister the dlls and delete them).
dll oInfralution.
dll oInfralution.
dll oPrivacyGuard.
dll oSharpZipLib.
dll ouninstall.
exe Remove Privacy Guard the easy way If you try to remove PrivacyGuard Pro manually, you may get into the risk of damaging your computer.
There is also a possibility the virus is using different malicious files then those listed above.
Therefore it is recommended that you download and use a PrivacyGuard Pro removal tool to get rid of it.