Acai Berries and Scientific Study Results From The University Of Florida
This berry from the rain forests in South Brazil had demonstrated how its antioxidants destroy cancer cells of humans in experiments conducted using cultures containing cancerous human cells within the confines of its laboratories. Further experiments are on the drawing boards of this University to conduct more studies and tests into the overall aspects of the far-reaching effects that Acai berry as a whole has on human beings of average good health.
Although Acai berry is one of the fruits carrying the most plentiful resources of antioxidants ever found in any fruit, the University studies so far conducted are yet to confirm that this berry actually plays any positive role in the possible prevention of cancer.
Acai berries are the produce of a particular palm tree that is found abundantly in Brazil’s rain forests. It is notorious for its extremely fast perishing characteristics so that if you need to taste a fresh Acai fruit, you have no choice of finding one at any fresh fruit sales outlets, apart from eating one immediately after plucking off an Acai tree. Further research on the health benefits of acai berry is more or less restricted by the fact that it had not been in commercial production for more than about the last five years.
Delving into the history of this wonder berry, we find that South Brazilians had extensively used it in the treatment of various skin conditions and digestive disorders during quite a long period of time. The contribution that acai benefits make to our health and general well being is amply substantiated by several testimonies from people who had experienced the benefits of looking and feeling better in addition to weight loss as a result of taking Acai berry. However, it is felt too early to admit them as scientifically proven facts at this tender stage.
In the face of overbearing testimonials by people who claim to have received umpteen benefits to their health issues through the use of Acai berry, tests and research are continuing at the Florida University with a view to scientifically verifying the truth or otherwise of these claims.
While the research goes on into the properties of Acai berry, with the University of Florida taking it up in all earnestness, we wait in hope of new discoveries in addition to Acai berries and scientific study results of many existing claims of the super goodness of Acai that sometimes appear to border on myth and fantasy.