Dealing With Electrical Power In Your Household
We have to deal with different kinds of wire connection problems in our homes every now and then to take care of the electrical power flow inside our household. However in some of these problems, there is no need to call for an electrician service since you can do the job yourself. Here some tips you should follow in order to repair different kinds of wire connection problems which are quite common in our homes.
When you're dealing with any kind of electrical problems you should always first switch off the current from the main box. If you're dealing with receptacle (wire) connections, also assure that there is no current running by using a tester.
There are a lot of different problems with these connections so before starting to repair the wires; you should first clearly identify the problem. Check for any lose contacts or any faults and check also if the wires are properly connected. In the following steps I'm going to show you how to deal with some of these problems. Hence, you can choose your particular situation and follow the respective step.
Sometimes you can find that two wires are twisted together and inserted in the same screw terminal. Thus, to separate these wires you have to unscrew the terminal with the screwdriver and remove it out. Then cut off the twisted part with the pliers and strip both wires with the (wire)stripper. Then you can use the wires separately or if you want to use only one of them, cover the other one's tip with a piece of wiring tape and use the single bare.
Extended bare wires can easily cause a short in a plug or in a receptacle. So if you find bare wires extended past screw terminals you have to cut off the extended part. In order to do so, you have to unscrew the terminal with a screw driver and remove it out. Then shorten the bare part of it using pliers. Otherwise, if you see that the bare part is damaged, cut it off with the pliers and strip it using the wire stripper. Then insert it again in the terminal and screw it in.
It is always recommended not to connect two wires with electrical tape since it can get damage after some time. Hence, if you find this problem you should cut off the connection part with the pliers and strip the two wires. Then insert a heat shrink connector in one of the wires and twist the wires bare ends together. Then move the connector on the twisted part of the wires and heat it using a solder. The connector will eventually shrink and thus will protect the connection part of the wires.
If you notice that it is damaged or scratched you should always change that part. Hence, cut off the end of it with the pliers and strip it again using the stripper. Now you should have it with a new bare end that will make it easier to work with.
These are some of the most common problems of wire connections which can easily fixed. However, always remember to work in a safe environment to prevent any unwanted incidents.
When you're dealing with any kind of electrical problems you should always first switch off the current from the main box. If you're dealing with receptacle (wire) connections, also assure that there is no current running by using a tester.
There are a lot of different problems with these connections so before starting to repair the wires; you should first clearly identify the problem. Check for any lose contacts or any faults and check also if the wires are properly connected. In the following steps I'm going to show you how to deal with some of these problems. Hence, you can choose your particular situation and follow the respective step.
Sometimes you can find that two wires are twisted together and inserted in the same screw terminal. Thus, to separate these wires you have to unscrew the terminal with the screwdriver and remove it out. Then cut off the twisted part with the pliers and strip both wires with the (wire)stripper. Then you can use the wires separately or if you want to use only one of them, cover the other one's tip with a piece of wiring tape and use the single bare.
Extended bare wires can easily cause a short in a plug or in a receptacle. So if you find bare wires extended past screw terminals you have to cut off the extended part. In order to do so, you have to unscrew the terminal with a screw driver and remove it out. Then shorten the bare part of it using pliers. Otherwise, if you see that the bare part is damaged, cut it off with the pliers and strip it using the wire stripper. Then insert it again in the terminal and screw it in.
It is always recommended not to connect two wires with electrical tape since it can get damage after some time. Hence, if you find this problem you should cut off the connection part with the pliers and strip the two wires. Then insert a heat shrink connector in one of the wires and twist the wires bare ends together. Then move the connector on the twisted part of the wires and heat it using a solder. The connector will eventually shrink and thus will protect the connection part of the wires.
If you notice that it is damaged or scratched you should always change that part. Hence, cut off the end of it with the pliers and strip it again using the stripper. Now you should have it with a new bare end that will make it easier to work with.
These are some of the most common problems of wire connections which can easily fixed. However, always remember to work in a safe environment to prevent any unwanted incidents.