Don"t Give Up - How to Reconnect With Your Ex
However, even the most happily married couples went through a rocky period at one point in the course of the relationship, so it stands to reason that your potential spouse might be someone you once broke-up with.
If you want to objectively determine if they are the person for you, you need to follow a few steps to avoid permanently eliminating any chance of reconnecting with them.
Step 1: I'm sorry.
My mom always used to tell me that "anyone can find at least something to be sorry anytime something goes wrong".
The way that this translates in regards to the end of your relationship is that at some point, no matter how great you think you were, you were wrong, probably multiple times.
If you ever want to have any chance of getting back together with this person you need to make sure that the relationship ends, at least temporarily, on a positive impression.
If you are apologetic, and attempt to end the relationship with regret, that will influence your significant other to feel the same way.
Step 2: What you did and what are you changing.
This is the point where you have to analyze what exactly you did specifically wrong.
This is going to take some time and honest reflection.
It is easy to say something generic like "I did not listen enough" but if you want to win this person back, you have to be able to identify specific instances in which you were at fault, and apologize for them.
This is partially for the sake of the other person, but it is also important that you take responsibility for your personal liability in order to grow as a person, and increase your chances of being in a successful relationship in the future.
Step 3: Patience.
And the hard part starts.
No two people reflect or process information at the same rate.
You need to chill-out and give the other member of the relationship a chance to do the same.
If you were sincere and repentant in steps 1 and 2 than the other person has a legitimate interest in doing the same, than you will eventually reconnect with them.