Kegel Exercises for the PC Muscles
- Locate your PC muscle along your pelvis. This is the same muscle that you contract to interrupt the flow of urine. When you're in the bathroom, try to stop urinating mid-flow; if you're able to do that, then you will have accomplished the basic technique of kegel exercises. Only do this to locate your PC muscle. If you begin and stop your urine flow often, you could weaken your PC muscle and it might lead to a urinary tract infection. Women, who are having trouble locating their PC muscle, can place a finger in their vagina and try to squeeze the muscles around the finger. Your pelvic area should tighten. The pelvic muscle that contracts upwards while you're doing this is the muscle that you concentrate on moving during your kegel exercises.
- Always make sure your bladder is empty before practicing kegel exercises. When you're ready to begin your exercises, find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Contract your PC muscle and hold it for three seconds before relaxing for three seconds. Repeat this 10 times. Try to do three sets of 10 repetitions every day until you feel comfortable with the exercise. Concentrate on isolating the PC muscle when you're flexing, rather than also contracting your buttocks and stomach muscles. Check that you are still breathing regularly while performing the exercise; you should be as relaxed as possible.
- After you feel comfortable performing one set of 10 three-second repetitions, increase your contractions to four-second holds, followed by a four-second rest. Evaluate your comfort level every day you practice kegel exercises and slowly increase your exercises until you have reached three sets of 10 10-second repetitions, with 10 seconds to relax your muscles in between each contraction. Make a habit of fitting your kegel exercises into your routine. That way they won't seem like a hassle. Practice tightening your PC muscle while you're waiting in line at the grocery store, checking your email or watching television. Most people notice that their PC muscle has strengthened within six to 12 weeks of regular kegel exercises.
- After you feel secure in your kegel exercise technique, change up your exercise routine. Try counting aloud to 10 or 20. Every time you say a number, tighten and relax your PC muscle. Try to do the exercises in slow motion. Imagine that your PC muscle is a cable wire slowly pulling up an elevator. Picture the elevator moving from the ground flour to the fourth floor. Your PC muscle should be at its tightest by the time you reach the fourth floor. Hold your contraction and then allow the elevator to slowly release to the ground level, gradually releasing your muscles. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
Find Your PC Muscle
Basic Exercise
Increase Frequency