Piers Morgan Finds Gordon Brown"s Heart
It looks to me like ITV has been doing its thing and out of way (maybe) to put Gordon Brown back into the election race.
Unofficial estimates tell me over 5 millions watched Prime Minister Gordon Brown's interview on ITV broadcast on Sunday, February 14, 2010.
Viewers watched Gordon Brown having an emotional fiasco with ITV's Piers Morgan; he was almost close to breaking down as he spoke about his daughter's death; which happened eight years ago.
He spoke about the leadership issues in the Labour Party ever since John Smith's death and he also shared about the wavelength he and his wife Sarah shared.
At a point, he was even referring to his marriage as "a modern love story" and said that he is very, very proud of his wife Sarah.
He paid glorious honor to Sarah, envying all wives (phew).
Brown also rubbished allegations of working a deal as to succeeding his predecessor Tony Blair.
He says he agreed to stay on as Shadow Chancellor for the Labour Party.
Brown denied that he never acted emotional (death of his first child Jennifer) to pull in votes.
The entire interview looked an eye wash and nothing to discuss about people's issues or social causes.
Piers must have done way better and he totally disappointed me to say the least.
Did he probe? Did he at least try to explore? It seriously has to be said as a political campaign to put Gordon Brown back into the election race and nothing serious.
They took the people for a joke.
The viewership may have surprised ITV as it doubled Michael Portillo's Great British Railway Journeys, show.
Morgan would be happy as well, for the viewership rating, of his latest interview with the PM surpassed his own previous Life Stories ones.
Who cares anyway, when he laced his tongue with honey and deployed the same ol' sycophancy to make the entire interview a horrible emotional drama intended to pitch him into the race again? Where is the need to ask a PM about his daughter's death when there were issues that mattered more serious; doesn't it show the impertinence Morgan employed? Brown was close to tears (looked like it was neatly staged and candidly edited, and why not? Morgan is no mean and is a panelist at talent shows he knows staging emotions) when asked about his daughter Jennifer, and as if it were not enough Morgan switched to Brown's son's cystic fibrosis.
In all seriousness, the emotion that was tried to be built for a classic-ending drama had probably fizzed off at the end.
I am still in disbelief when some say it is professional interviewing.
Do you call this one? Had ITV been a little unsycophantic (?) it would have been an open one where voters are given opportunity to shoot questions.
All Tories would echo with me to rip the crappy ITV format.
Disgraceful and shameful that our beloved Prime Minister had cheated on his instincts and deviated to a subject matter of disinterest! Shall we blame it on the crappy formatting that ITV had in place for a high profile political interview? The term fiscal didn't feature in the entire interview or was it cautiously over edited? I need to thank Morgan for one thing sure.
I was enlightened of several new things; that Brown never touched drugs (although he didn't deny the fact); that he shared his restroom at No.
10 (with?); that the loss of eyesight during his youth had been an eye opener for him and he changed (to?); that he never drove a car from age 21, and that as a young student he was very choosy about women.
No wonder, Brown definitely outscores his predecessor Blair in acting in front of the camera.
Descpicable and dastardly! I share his grief with all my heart as a human, but I feel like puking at these sick politicians who stoop to the level of using their personal grief to gain votes.
Does the Labour Party feel the grief of millions of the countrymen that they are responsible for? It would take a couple of decades for the country to recover from the messy state of affairs these bullies have thrown us to.
Can he as a PM bring the country out of the mess? He fails every time and every score.
The country has been warned of the increasing debt long back and despite Blair continued his merry spending public money with nil improvement in services.
These guys are clueless about their own policy of free home for the elderly and they dumped it and they have no idea as to the social care policies.
There is no end to the cynical attacks by the Labour Party on the less and under privileged.
These guys are now contemplating on what is called Death Tax of £20,000 to fund and support the new National Care Service for the elderly.
It simply means we should be willing to pay £20,000 to the Labour Party from what we saved (if anything under the rule of these sickos) to leave behind to children and our family.
What a fair vision our government has on our homeless elderly (sighs)? Can there be a sicker plan out anywhere in the world than the 10% death tax? Gordon Brown has by now earned a very rare distinction; promise no new taxes before getting voted, but raise them by a fortune after getting votes; looks like.
As a frustrated Tory and voter I can't imagine the distress if these people are to be elected again.
Not only our miseries will continue but UK will become dry and sick forever.
Is Labour worthy of one vote, let alone coming back to power again? I, for one, as a Tory Boy, would love to see David Cameron come in front with some answer to the people's grief and pain; nonetheless I would hate to see him walk like a moron in the shadow of Labours at the ITV.
Unofficial estimates tell me over 5 millions watched Prime Minister Gordon Brown's interview on ITV broadcast on Sunday, February 14, 2010.
Viewers watched Gordon Brown having an emotional fiasco with ITV's Piers Morgan; he was almost close to breaking down as he spoke about his daughter's death; which happened eight years ago.
He spoke about the leadership issues in the Labour Party ever since John Smith's death and he also shared about the wavelength he and his wife Sarah shared.
At a point, he was even referring to his marriage as "a modern love story" and said that he is very, very proud of his wife Sarah.
He paid glorious honor to Sarah, envying all wives (phew).
Brown also rubbished allegations of working a deal as to succeeding his predecessor Tony Blair.
He says he agreed to stay on as Shadow Chancellor for the Labour Party.
Brown denied that he never acted emotional (death of his first child Jennifer) to pull in votes.
The entire interview looked an eye wash and nothing to discuss about people's issues or social causes.
Piers must have done way better and he totally disappointed me to say the least.
Did he probe? Did he at least try to explore? It seriously has to be said as a political campaign to put Gordon Brown back into the election race and nothing serious.
They took the people for a joke.
The viewership may have surprised ITV as it doubled Michael Portillo's Great British Railway Journeys, show.
Morgan would be happy as well, for the viewership rating, of his latest interview with the PM surpassed his own previous Life Stories ones.
Who cares anyway, when he laced his tongue with honey and deployed the same ol' sycophancy to make the entire interview a horrible emotional drama intended to pitch him into the race again? Where is the need to ask a PM about his daughter's death when there were issues that mattered more serious; doesn't it show the impertinence Morgan employed? Brown was close to tears (looked like it was neatly staged and candidly edited, and why not? Morgan is no mean and is a panelist at talent shows he knows staging emotions) when asked about his daughter Jennifer, and as if it were not enough Morgan switched to Brown's son's cystic fibrosis.
In all seriousness, the emotion that was tried to be built for a classic-ending drama had probably fizzed off at the end.
I am still in disbelief when some say it is professional interviewing.
Do you call this one? Had ITV been a little unsycophantic (?) it would have been an open one where voters are given opportunity to shoot questions.
All Tories would echo with me to rip the crappy ITV format.
Disgraceful and shameful that our beloved Prime Minister had cheated on his instincts and deviated to a subject matter of disinterest! Shall we blame it on the crappy formatting that ITV had in place for a high profile political interview? The term fiscal didn't feature in the entire interview or was it cautiously over edited? I need to thank Morgan for one thing sure.
I was enlightened of several new things; that Brown never touched drugs (although he didn't deny the fact); that he shared his restroom at No.
10 (with?); that the loss of eyesight during his youth had been an eye opener for him and he changed (to?); that he never drove a car from age 21, and that as a young student he was very choosy about women.
No wonder, Brown definitely outscores his predecessor Blair in acting in front of the camera.
Descpicable and dastardly! I share his grief with all my heart as a human, but I feel like puking at these sick politicians who stoop to the level of using their personal grief to gain votes.
Does the Labour Party feel the grief of millions of the countrymen that they are responsible for? It would take a couple of decades for the country to recover from the messy state of affairs these bullies have thrown us to.
Can he as a PM bring the country out of the mess? He fails every time and every score.
The country has been warned of the increasing debt long back and despite Blair continued his merry spending public money with nil improvement in services.
These guys are clueless about their own policy of free home for the elderly and they dumped it and they have no idea as to the social care policies.
There is no end to the cynical attacks by the Labour Party on the less and under privileged.
These guys are now contemplating on what is called Death Tax of £20,000 to fund and support the new National Care Service for the elderly.
It simply means we should be willing to pay £20,000 to the Labour Party from what we saved (if anything under the rule of these sickos) to leave behind to children and our family.
What a fair vision our government has on our homeless elderly (sighs)? Can there be a sicker plan out anywhere in the world than the 10% death tax? Gordon Brown has by now earned a very rare distinction; promise no new taxes before getting voted, but raise them by a fortune after getting votes; looks like.
As a frustrated Tory and voter I can't imagine the distress if these people are to be elected again.
Not only our miseries will continue but UK will become dry and sick forever.
Is Labour worthy of one vote, let alone coming back to power again? I, for one, as a Tory Boy, would love to see David Cameron come in front with some answer to the people's grief and pain; nonetheless I would hate to see him walk like a moron in the shadow of Labours at the ITV.