Tips For Dealing With Long Air Plane Flights
It's come to the day for your big trip.
You are excited and ready to go.
But as soon as you get to the airport it hits you just how long this trip will be.
Long flights mean possibly getting seated next to someone that smells, the loud constant sound of the engines, no naps because of the constant hum of those talking around you.
Soon your anticipation turns to dread.
Don't worry I have a few tips to make your long flight a nice and smooth ride to your destination.
First things first, get to the airport as early as you can.
It is awfully stressful having to get through security.
Having time will make sure that you won't freak out when there is a lot of people in line or it just seems to be taking to long.
Dress for the ride.
Remember that you will be seating for a long time so put on clothes and shoes that are comfortable.
This doesn't mean wearing a pair of faded out sweat pants and a stretched out t-shirt.
You can dress casual and comfortable for the trip.
You will want to make a good impression for your arrival.
Don't eat too much.
You are in a confined space and an aircraft is not the best space for trying to digest a burrito.
Also don't drink alcohol on the flight or even before it.
The high pressure and altitude will increase the effects it has on your system.
Walk the plane.
I mean get up and walk up and down the aisles.
Prolong sitting is not good.
Not only does it make you stiff it could also possibly cause a blood clot.
It has been documented that sitting for hours at a time can increase your chances of getting a blood clot.
This is often called deep vein thrombosis.
So get up and move around.
Get noise cancelling headphones.
These headphones will not only block out the noise of the airplane engines but it will also block out the chatter of people around you.
This will enable you to take little naps and get your mind off the flight.
Following the above tips will help reduce the stress that these long airplane flights can cause.
Of course they won't reduce it all but should help you trip be a little bit more bearable and maybe even enjoyable in the end.
You are excited and ready to go.
But as soon as you get to the airport it hits you just how long this trip will be.
Long flights mean possibly getting seated next to someone that smells, the loud constant sound of the engines, no naps because of the constant hum of those talking around you.
Soon your anticipation turns to dread.
Don't worry I have a few tips to make your long flight a nice and smooth ride to your destination.
First things first, get to the airport as early as you can.
It is awfully stressful having to get through security.
Having time will make sure that you won't freak out when there is a lot of people in line or it just seems to be taking to long.
Dress for the ride.
Remember that you will be seating for a long time so put on clothes and shoes that are comfortable.
This doesn't mean wearing a pair of faded out sweat pants and a stretched out t-shirt.
You can dress casual and comfortable for the trip.
You will want to make a good impression for your arrival.
Don't eat too much.
You are in a confined space and an aircraft is not the best space for trying to digest a burrito.
Also don't drink alcohol on the flight or even before it.
The high pressure and altitude will increase the effects it has on your system.
Walk the plane.
I mean get up and walk up and down the aisles.
Prolong sitting is not good.
Not only does it make you stiff it could also possibly cause a blood clot.
It has been documented that sitting for hours at a time can increase your chances of getting a blood clot.
This is often called deep vein thrombosis.
So get up and move around.
Get noise cancelling headphones.
These headphones will not only block out the noise of the airplane engines but it will also block out the chatter of people around you.
This will enable you to take little naps and get your mind off the flight.
Following the above tips will help reduce the stress that these long airplane flights can cause.
Of course they won't reduce it all but should help you trip be a little bit more bearable and maybe even enjoyable in the end.