How to Mount Art Prints
- 1). Measure your art piece and add between 2 and 6 inches to each side to represent the size of the mounting board. Mounting boards can be any size as long as they are in proportion to the measurements of the artwork.
- 2). Turn the mat board or foam core face down on the cutting board and mark it according to the measurements. Although either board type can be used, mat board is ideal for smaller pieces and foam core, which is light, is good for extra-large prints.
- 3). Place the straight edge along the first mark and hold it down firmly with one hand. With the other hand, place the tip of the knife just above the beginning of the mark against the straight edge.
- 4). Push the craft knife down, so it pierces the mounting board; then drag it along the straight edge to make a cut. This will need to be done several times to pierce completely through the board. Repeat this for all four sides of the mounting board.
- 5). Place the art print face down on a drop cloth if you are using spray adhesive and a flat surface if you are using mounting stickers.
- 6). Place the print on the mounting board and adjust it so that its sides are the same distance from the sides of the mounting board. Move the paper, so the top of the print is slightly higher than the bottom. This grounds the picture.
- 7). Place the ruler and the straight edge, so they are perpendicular and along the bottom corner of the paper. This holds the placement of the print.
- 8). Hold the spray adhesive nozzle about 12 inches from the print and lightly spray the back of the paper in a fluid back-and-forth motion. If you are using mounting stickers, simply peel the stickers from the roll and place them in each corner of the print.
- 9). Hold the print adhesive-side down on both sides over the mounting board. Lower the print carefully to the mounting board, lining up the corner with the right angle made by the ruler and straight edge. Press the print down flat and run your fingers over it lightly to adhere it to the board.