How to Prime Paneling
- 1). Cover the floors and furniture with plastic sheets to protect them from dust, cleaning solutions and primer. Remove pets from the area and remember that small children need supervision, especially around paints and cleaners.
- 2). Load a sheet of sandpaper onto the power sander. Wear a dust mask and eye protection. Turn the sander on and lightly run it over the entire surface of the paneling to be primed. You are not trying to remove material but only dulling the glossy surface. One or two light passes is enough.
- 3). Make a TSP solution in the bucket according to the directions on the container. Wash all the paneling using rags or sponges. Pour the solution out and replace it with a detergent solution. Rewash the paneling with this solution.
- 4). Rinse the paneling using clean water and rags. Allow the paneling to dry thoroughly overnight.
- 1). Stir the primer with a paint stick or other mixing device. If the primer was shaken at the paint store, you won't need to mix it very much. Mix the primer until an even consistency is obtained. Pour primer into the paint tray until the the lower half of the tray is two-thirds full.
- 2). Dip 1/2 inch of the paintbrush bristles into the primer. Knock of excess primer by lightly touching the edge of the tray.
- 3). Paint corners and other areas you won't be able to cover using the roller. Just prime enough with the brush to reach an area no larger than you can paint with the roller in 15 minutes.
- 4). Set the roller just into the primer in the paint tray. Roll it backward up the tray, out of the primer and then back and forth to coat the entire roller.
- 5). Place the roller near the top of the wall where you first started priming with the brush. Roll it down about 3 feet, then up away from first stripe but overlapping it a little. Work in sections of about 3 feet by 3 feet. Don't run the roller dry. As soon as it begins to run out of primer, roll it in the tray again.
- 6). Prime an entire section of wall at once. Don't leave one area and prime another. Always work around a room. Cut in with the brush, then follow up with the roller. Cut in the next area with the brush and then roll that area.