How to Donate to the USA Military
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The Internet is a simple shortcut to finding the perfect image by michele goglio from
Turn on your computer and get online. Go to any search engine and enter in a query such as "U.S. military donation websites." - 2
Educational scholarships are a major part of the U.S. Military donations.cap on books image by timur1970 from
Sift through the many hits you will receive back until you come across an organization you're interested in. Most organizations will focus on either education and scholarships for the troops and their families, or gifts that you can send directly to a soldier. - 3
Any amount of money donated can make the world of difference.signing check image by jovica antoski from
Deciding upon a charity should be done by quantifying the charity's missions and goals as well as their overhead. Especially when donating money, it's important to look at websites like that will give you a comprehensive look at how much the charity is giving back to their programs, and how much goes to administrative and fundraising costs. - 4
Purchasing donations online is a quick and easy way to give.young woman making an online purchase image by Paul Hill from
Choose your organization and go to their website. If donating money through the site, you will now need your desired donation amount and form of payment; credit/debit card, checking account information, or PayPal account. If sending a check via mail, simply acquire the proper address to send your donation from the website or by calling the charity. - 5
Christmas stockings and other gifts are popular donations around the stocking and presents image by Warren Millar from
Sending clothing and gifts is an extremely popular form of donating as well. Many charity websites will give you detailed information on how to send gifts and packages directly to the troops. There is even a specific charity focus during the holiday season which sends Christmas stockings to soldiers. - 1
Schools and community centers are popular locations to hold blood building image by palms from
Making the choice to give blood to the U.S. military is another way of donating to think about. There are numerous clinics and blood drives around the country where you can donate blood specifically to the military. - 2
Make sure you're healthy and consult your doctor before giving t image by Andrey Kiselev from
Finding a blood drive or donation clinic is easiest done by using the Internet. Again, any search engine will be able to lead you in the right direction. Type in a query like, 'U.S. military blood drives' or 'give blood to the U.S. military'. To focus the search to your area, add your zip code to the end of your query. - 3
Take the time to learn about charities and organizations before giving.doing research image by Leticia Wilson from
Research and learn about the different organizations and drives listed to find the location best suited for you. - 4
It's important to have someone drive you home after giving blood.driving 4 image by Andrzej Borowicz from
Find the blood drive or clinic you're interested in, and go into the website to find out where the nearest blood drives will be. Most of the websites have a location for you to type in your address and how far you're willing to travel to find the most convenient place and time to give. - 5
If you are short on cash, donating blood is a wonderful and needed gift.One Dollar - variations of Crumpled dollar image by PaulPaladin from
Find out the place and time for the next blood drive, or a location you can donate to, and give as soon as you can.
Internet Donations
Giving Blood