Iraq Invasion Anniversary

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March 20th, 2010 will mark the seven year anniversary of the United States invasion and occupation of Iraq.
Although we don't hear much about Iraq in the news these days, our occupation of Iraq has entered an inflection point.
Here' why: the war has gone on and on...
for seven years to be exact.
Seven years is significant if you believe in biblical symbolism.
Recall the seven days of creation in Genesis; and the seven seals, seven churches and seven plagues in the book of Revelation.
In the Bible the number seven has triple meanings signifying completion, consummation and perfection.
One might ask what do Bible symbols have to do with our seven year occupation of Iraq.
A lot.
This could be the year we complete our occupation as President Obama promised in his campaign.
Or God forbid this seven year occupation of Iraq could signal the consummation and decline of our empire as we know.
But I believe we have the chance to turn this crisis into an opportunity whereby we as a "Christian nation" can take some clues from history and the Bible to move our country into a place of perfection.
Here's why I say these things.
An interesting phenomenon keeps playing out in human history.
The signal that marked the decline of every major empire in history has been their invasion and occupation of Iraq (formerly known as Mesopotamia).
The Romans, Ottoman Turks and British empires all began their descent once they invaded and occupied this territory.
But the Bible has some interesting things to say about this area.
Although the name differs from Chaldea, to Babylon, Shinar and Mesopotamia, the land of Iraq is mentioned throughout the Bible.
Here are seven things that every Christian should know about Iraq: 1.
The Garden of Eden was in Iraq (Genesis 2:10-11) 2.
The first empire build by Nimrod was in Iraq (Genesis 10:10) 3.
Noah built the ark in Iraq (Genesis 8:5) 4.
The Tower of Babel was in Iraq (Genesis 11:4) 5.
Abraham was from Ur, which is in Southern Iraq (Nehemiah 9:7) 6.
Jonah preached in Nineveh -today Mosul in Iraq (Jonah 1:2) 7.
The city of Babylon is judged...
(Revelation 18:10) Just like the number seven, Iraq has biblical significance and if we decipher the symbolism carefully it can give us clues as to why we find ourselves in Iraq and how we can get out without irreparable damage to our nation.
This territory figures prominently in the Bible because it personifies the duality of God's nature displayed throughout the scriptures - His judgment and His mercy.
Yes this is the spot where either the left hand of God's judgment is felt or where His mercy is poured out on a repentant nation or holy family.
On the one hand, we see judgment on mankind when they were banished from the garden, when the Tower of Babel was destroyed and when the flood came and washed away everything except Noah's family and a few select animals.
On the other hand, we see the mercy of God displayed in His selection of Abraham and Jonah for His divine work.
We see divine mercy at work in the wicked city Nineveh where God spared it from impending disaster because its king took heed to the prophets warning and turned the nation from its sinful ways.
Let's take these glaring insights from history and the Bible to heart and use this seventh year as an opportunity to form a 'more perfect Union.
' Let's think about how we ordinary Americans can help transform our national character from one of aggressive militarism to one that reaches for the grandest ideals of justice, equity and peace.
We can start by doing the following: (1) Send a donation to a Christian Peace organization.
(2) Read what the Bible has to say about militarism in these verses: Psalm 46:9, Isaiah 2:4, Micah 4:3, and Matthew 26:52.
(3) Write President Obama and hold him to his campaign promise to end the war in Iraq (4) Learn about the history of this region (5) Pray for world peace - start or join a prayer vigil.
If we do these things, our collective energies could propel our nation into a new beginning of peace and tranquility.
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