Contaminants in the Environment: Individual Recourse Against Pollution and Toxic Injuries?
Toxic injuries and illness can result from mundane factors like carbon dioxide from vehicle exhaust, or from unscrupulous businesses utilizing improper waste disposal techniques.
Regardless of the situation, the serious illnesses that result may be debilitating or even fatal.
Common Causes of Toxic Injuries and Illness Pollution and toxic injuries tend to come from one of four sources, including: Water Contamination - Improperly maintained septic systems can cause serious illness.
In other cases, industry may be the culprit.
Some companies illegally dump waste, which can end up in residential water systems, and other times agricultural runoff can cause water to become polluted with fertilizers and other chemicals.
Contaminants in Building Materials - Pollution attorneys have been representing the victims of asbestos for years, but more recently new household dangers have come to light.
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are toxic chemicals that are used in certain manufacturing procedures, chemicals and even household paints.
Air Pollution - In addition to the pollution caused by the transportation industry, manufacturing plants may also release pollutants into the air from machinery and as byproducts.
Contaminated Soil - Contaminated water has negative effects on the surrounding soil for several miles.
Contaminants can seep into vegetables planted in the affected soil, be inhaled, and harm those who come into physical contact with the soil.
Illnesses Caused by Pollutants Pollution attorneys often have the sad duty of representing parents whose children have suffered the consequences of pollution.
When pregnant women are exposed to contaminants, the toxic injuries to the unborn child can result in birth defects, or not show up until later in life when the child begins to exhibit symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder or learning disabilities.
Adults who are exposed to contaminants can experience ailments affecting any number of internal organs, as well as the nervous system.
Cancer, however, is the most dominant toxic injury, and can present in nearly any known form.
Lung cancer from air pollution and kidney cancer from water pollution are common ailments affecting even previously healthy adults who are exposed to pollution.
When to Contact a Pollution Attorney Proximity to industry or agriculture paired with any of the above ailments may signal a toxic injury.
If a specific source can be proven to have caused the toxic injury, a pollution attorney may be able to help you obtain compensation for the medical bills and suffering incurred.